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Welcome Back to School Night 2014-2015 Please fill-out the questionnaire on your child’s desk.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Back to School Night 2014-2015 Please fill-out the questionnaire on your child’s desk."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Back to School Night 2014-2015 Please fill-out the questionnaire on your child’s desk.

2 Mr. Lykon Some info

3 A Day in the Life: 8:40-8:50 Unpack/Morning Work 8:50-10:00 Reading/LA 10-10:45 Special 10:45-11:40 Reading/LA 11:40-12:25 Soc/Math (Lykon) 12:25-1:20 Lunch/Recess 1:30-2:15 Sci/Math (Fisher) 2:15-3:00 Math (O’Rourke) Day 1: No Special Day 2: Chorus/Library Day 3: Art Day 4: Computers/Music Day 5: Gym

4 Reading/Language Arts Curriculum How will it look as homework? Spelling/Words Their Way: List on Monday and test on Wednesday/Friday. Vocabulary: Matches Common Core Comprehension: DRA (fluency and comp.) Guided Reading Groups to begin next week Writing: New Writing Program (Fundamentals) Reading Incentive: Monthly (Two books per month. One I choose, the other free choice) They should be reading on their independent level.

5 Science Too Good for Violence – Sept. & Oct. Solar System- Magnetism and Electricity- Water Kit Too Good For Drugs Science Fair usually in March PSSA Prep questions

6 Social Studies Curriculum Social Studies Alive: Focuses on the geography of the five regions of the U.S.A. Pennsylvania: Focuses on early settlement and history of PA as well as the State’s geography.

7 Math In Focus: Nightly homework Math fluency: See handouts for rates. First In Math: I’m asking for 30 minutes a week. If you do not have a computer with internet access, the children can work on First In Math during lunch recess. Challenge 24: Math game/competition in May Mathematics Curriculum How will it look as homework?

8 Housekeeping Absences: Send in a note when your child returns to school. Questions/Concerns: Jot me a note or an email, Snack break: Everyday after Special…a healthy snack. Art Smock Race for Education Nov 3 Technology

9 Thank you for coming Your attendance was greatly appreciated. Now is the time for any further questions or comments.

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