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5: Preferred Upload Formats Getting Excel files to Metafor for correlations, standardized mean differences, and binary studies Meta-analysis in R with.

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Presentation on theme: "5: Preferred Upload Formats Getting Excel files to Metafor for correlations, standardized mean differences, and binary studies Meta-analysis in R with."— Presentation transcript:

1 5: Preferred Upload Formats Getting Excel files to Metafor for correlations, standardized mean differences, and binary studies Meta-analysis in R with Metafor

2 Correlations If you have viewed the videos in order, you will recall that I advised you to create an Excel file that has columns for author, date, effect size, effect size sampling variance, and moderators. If you are analyzing correlations, the preferred method is to code the correlation coefficient r, and the sample size, N, for each study. When you upload r and N, Metafor will provide you with several transformations that you can specify. Example Excel file: RocksLMX_AC

3 Standardized Mean Difference Your file should include the mean, standard deviation, and sample size for each group. Example data file: Appetite Study

4 Binary Data Most outcome studies in medicine compare success and failure (number of events and non-events) in two conditions, which results in a two-by-two table. The number of cases should be counted and recorded for each cell (A, B, C, D) of the design. Metafor will compute effect sizes (odds ratios, risk ratios, etc.) and transformations for you. Example dataset: EventNon-event Treatment groupAB Control groupCD

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