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Introduction to the Electronics Laboratory

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to the Electronics Laboratory"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to the Electronics Laboratory

2 What is an electronics Laboratory?
A Place where we learn electronics A Place where we practice electronics A Place where we understand electronics through practice

3 What do we find inside an electronics Laboratory?
Test Equipment Tools Electronic Components

4 First Step: Important Safety Practices to be followed inside the Electronics Lab

5 Wear Personal Safety Equipment:
Eye Protection (when Required) Electricians Safety Shoes Anti-static Protection (When required) Lab Coat Appropriate Protection Gloves (when required)

6 Some work requires use of heating equipment:
Keep heating equipment on the stand when not in use Avoid contact between the heating bit and your skin during use Avoid touching electric supply wire with the heating bit

7 Some work may involve the use of chemicals or the production of toxic fumes:
Wear Protective clothing Ensure good ventilation is available

8 Some work may involve use of high voltage:

9 Expensive Test Equipment will be used inside the Laboratory:
Use Equipment properly and as instructed Ask the Teacher or Lab Technician if in doubt, to avoid damage to the equipment

10 You will be using hand tools inside the laboratory:
Use properly to avoid personal injury Use properly to avoid damage to tools and equipment

11 No Eating and/or Drinking is allowed in the Laboratory

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