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Presentation on theme: " Educational implication of revalidation Appraisal and Revalidation Support March 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Educational implication of revalidation Appraisal and Revalidation Support March 2012

2 What is revalidation? Confirms –that a doctor with a licence to practise continues to be fit to practise. Requires –all doctors to engage with systems of periodic review. Provides –confirmation that a doctor with a licence to practise is working within a governed system. Requires –all doctors to have a prescribed connection to a designated body, and one Responsible Officer. Is not a point in time assessment.

3 To enable a doctor to: Discuss their practice with their appraiser Enhance the quality of their professional work by planning their professional development Consider their learning needs Ensure they are working productively and in line with the priorities and requirements of the organisation in which they practice Purpose of medical appraisal?

4 New Framework for Good Medical Practice 1 Knowledge, skills and performance Maintain your professional performance Apply knowledge and experience to practice Ensure that all documentation (including clinical records) formally recording your work is clear, accurate and legible 2 Safety and Quality Contribute to and comply with systems to protect patients Respond to risks to safety Protect patients and colleagues from any risk posed by your health 3 Communication, Partnership and Teamwork Communicate effectively Work constructively with colleagues and delegate effectively Establish and maintain partnerships with patients 4 Maintaining Trust Show respect for patients Treat patients and colleagues fairly and without discrimination Act with honesty and integrity

5 Learning from the London RST Pilots RST Pathfinder pilot March 2010 – March 2011 –Primary Care Medical Appraisal Guidance – Sept– Dec 2011 –Primary Care –Secondary care –Mental health –SASG Trainee Revalidation – Sept – Dec 2011

6 Learning from the London RST Pilots The importance of: Strong organisational systems and support for appraisal Clear role definition for MDs / ROs Appraisal Leads Appraisers Clarity between appraisal and job-planning in secondary care Conflicts of interest were recognised and managed

7 Lessons Learned from the MAG pilot Good relationships and communication with doctors Robust administrative systems: –Systems to contact and track doctors and their appraisals –Strict reporting and timelines –Well informed appraisal administrator / manager –Team working between admin, RO and appraisal lead

8 Learning from the London RST Pilots Raised awareness of the importance of reflection before, during and after appraisal. Less is more with evidence “Judgements” were seen as helpful Helpful for appraisers to have an educational background

9 London Deanery resources to support revalidation Appraisal and Revalidation Team –Elearning resources –Podcasts –Appraiser training Frontier support for appraisal and revalidation Professional Support Unit

10 Appraisal and Revalidation Support Website

11 E-learning modules Getting the most out of you appraisal: –presenting evidence pitched at all including those in difficult work environments Tips for appraisers Quality improvement activity as supporting information Calibration / benchmarking evidence Top tips on developing your PDP Challenge in appraisal Appraisal revalidation-support/e-learning

12 Appraisal and Revalidation Support E-Learning Resources

13 Professional Development Professional Support Unit

14 Professional Support Unit Professional development resource for London Expert shared service separate from employers Flexible and responsive to needs Professionally-led –Access by self-referral –Resource development –Resource provision

15 Purpose and Aims Medical Revalidation –Supporting the profession –Supporting the Responsible Officer network Workforce imperatives –Meeting the needs of patients –Recognition of the need for support pan-career especially at transitions –Efficiency pressures –Service reconfiguration challenges –Demography of the medical workforce in London

16 What the PSU offers Advice re: –Services available and access including contracting –How the PSU might be able to help –Self-help information –Costs –Managing confidentiality For employers and educators: –Advice on accessing Occupational Health Resources

17 PSU Resources Careers Unit Coaching and Mentoring Communication Skills incorporating: –LaCRU –Fresh Start Complex cases MedNet Return to Practice Schemes incorporating: –GP Induction and Refresher –Clinical Apprenticeship Placement Scheme –Re-Fresh –Re-Launch

18 Learning, development, and personnel effectiveness

19 Access for clients Self-referral to: –Specific resource –Combination of resources –Generic referral to Triage including review of risks Clinician-centred approach designed to –Build on strengths –Encourage autonomy –Meet individual needs and circumstances

20 Further information London Deanery Home Page Click on development/professional-support-unit

21 Next steps What can you be doing now?

22 What to do now 1.Start to think in terms of the Domains 2.Use the Domains –To reflect on your practice and approach to medicine –Reflect on the supporting evidence you have gathered and what that demonstrates about your practice according to GMP. –Identify areas of practice where you could make improvements or undertake development 3. Begin to collect evidence of your work according to the Domains

23 Keep abreast of developments Information sources: 1.Locally: Responsible Officer / Appraisal Lead 2.Academy of Medical Royal Colleges 3.Revalidation Support Team 4.General Medical Council

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