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CHAPTER #05 SELECTION 1. Selection Select means to choose some one. Selection is the process of picking individuals who have relevant qualifications to.

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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER #05 SELECTION 1. Selection Select means to choose some one. Selection is the process of picking individuals who have relevant qualifications to."— Presentation transcript:


2 Selection Select means to choose some one. Selection is the process of picking individuals who have relevant qualifications to fill jobs in an organization. The basic purpose is to choose the individual who can most successfully perform the job, from the pool of qualified candidates. 2

3 Selection process: Selection process include a series of steps. Each one must be successfully cleared before the applicant proceeds to the next. 3

4 Selection Process * Step 7 Step 6 Step 5 Step 4 Step 3 Step 2 Step 1 Step 8 4

5 Step 1: Reception A company is known by the people it employs. In order to attract people with talent, skills, and experience, a company has to create a favorable impression on the applicants right from the stage of reception. Because first impression is the last impression. 5

6 Step 2: Screening Interview A preliminary interview is generally planned by large organizations to cut the costs of selection by allowing only eligible candidates to go through the further stage in selection. For example, they want to find out about the age, education, experience, pay expectations, behavior, location choice etc. If they found that the applicant is suitable, a prescribed application form is given to the applicant to fill and submit. 6

7 Step 3: Application Blank Application blank or form is one of the most common methods used to collect information on various aspects of the applicant’s academic, social, demographic, work related back ground and references. It is a brief history sheet of an employee’s background, usually containing the following information. 7

8 Step 4: Selection Testing Another important decision in the selection process involves applicant testing and the kinds of tests to use. Through test we can measure the performance, attitude, knowledge, behavior of an applicant. Different type of employment test are used for selection purpose. For example, 8

9 Types of selection test 1)Intelligence tests: 2) Aptitude tests: 3) Personality tests: 4) Achievement tests: 5) Simulation tests: 6) Assessment Center: 9

10 1) Intelligence Test: These are mental ability tests. The basic objective of intelligence tests is to pick up employees who are alert and quick at learning things. In this test they check that how much the applicant is sharp, quick in performing their duties and responsibilities. 10

11 2) Aptitude Tests: Aptitude (Ability, Skills) tests measure an individual’s potential to learn certain skills for example, managerial skills mechanical skills, mathematical skills clerical skills etc. these tests indicates whether or not an individual has the ability to learn a given job quickly and efficiently. 11

12 3) Personality tests: Personality tests are used to measure basic aspects of an applicant’s personality such as motivation, emotional balance, self confidence, behavior etc. these type of tests shows the emotion of a person, through this we can find self confidence and behavior of a person. 12

13 4) Achievement tests: these are designed to measure what the applicant can do on the job currently. In this test the applicant assign a task to perform it practically, to know about the applicant that he or she can achieve the task or not. For example a typing test shows typing proficiency. That how much words per minutes a typist can type. 13

14 5) Simulation tests: It is also a device, which is use for selection of employees. In this, the employee practically shows his /her performance. The manager want to judge the employee practically that how much potential he has to do the job. Like demonstration from the employee. 14

15 6) Graphology tests: graphology involves using a trained evaluator to examine a person hand writing to assess thr person’s personality and emotional make-up. For example the recruiting committee ask applicants to complete application forms and write about why they want a job. These samples may be finally sent to a graphologist for analysis the result may be put to while selecting a person. 15

16 5) Selection Interview: interview is the oral examination of candidates for employment. This is the most essential step in the selection process. In this step, the interviewer tries to obtain information about the abilities of the interviewee and the requirement of the job. Interview gives the recruiter an opportunity to Ask question that are not covered in tests; To find that the applicant is agree for the job; To judge the applicant behavior, emotional stability, knowledge, etc. 16

17 1) The non-directive interview: In a non-directive interview the recruiter asks questions as they come to mind. There is no specific format to be followed. The interviewer can ask any type of question. It is also call unstructured interview. In which the interviewer ask question on the spot as it come to the mind of interviwer. 17

18 2) The directive or structured interview in the directive interview, the recruiter uses a predetermined set of question, that are clearly job related. Since every applicant is asked the same basic questions which is mostly related with concern job. Through structure we can find out the skill, ability of the person to the related job. But designing a good structured interview required time and energy. 18

19 3) The situational interview: Situational interview is a type of structure interview in which the interviewer construct different type of hypotheses about the applicant. Than they check theses hypotheses during the interview. And make decision on the basis of their hypotheses. For example, they construct the hypothesis that the person will be very intelligent, sharp, honest and trust worthy. At the end of interview if their hypothesis was correct, they will select the person, otherwise drop the applicant. 19

20 4) The behavioral interview: In this type of interview the interviewer want to find out the behavior of the applicant. He ask different types of question regarding his behavior, for example, the interviewer ask from the applicant if a person smoke in the office which is prohibited how you will treat him. Here he want to judge the applicant behavior that how he behave with that emloyee. 20

21 5) Stress interview: In stress interview, the interviewer attempts to find how applicants would respond to aggressive, embarrassing and rude question to find out that the applicant can handle stress environment. During interview if they find out any negative sign than they don’t select the person. The basic purpose of this type of interview to find out can he work in stress environment. 21

22 6) Panel interview: In panel interview there are three to five interviewers who ask different type of questions one by one. Here they ask questions base on their experience, knowledge, skills to find a suitable candidate for the job. Now a days psychologist also participate in these type of interview. Such type of interview also limit personal biases of any individual interviewer. Because the selection decision depend on panel. 22

23 The interview process: Interview is an art. It demands a positive frame of mind on the part of the interviewers. Interviewees must be treated properly so as to leave a good impression (about the company) in their mind. HR specialist identify certain steps to be followed while conducting interviews. 23

24 Stages in interview process: a) Preparation: Effective interview do not just happen. They are planned. This involve; establishing the objective of the interview and determining the areas and specific questions to be covered. Reviewing the candidate’s application and resume, noting the areas that are vague or that may show candidate’s strengths and weaknesses on which questions could be asked. keeping the test scores ready, along with interview assessment forms. Selecting the interview method to be followed. choosing the panel of experts who would interview the candidates (list the number of experts to be called ). identifying the comfortable, private room preferable away from noise, where the interview could be held. 24

25 b) Reception: the candidate should be properly received and led into the interview room. Greet the candidate with a warm, friendly, greeting smile. Ask the applicant about hobbies, activities or some other topic in friendly environment. Start the interview on time. 25

26 c) Information Exchange: To gain the confidence of the candidate, start the interview with cheerful conversation. Ask about the previous job that why you leave that job. Why you want to join this organization. Ask about his experience. Listen to the applicant’s answer attentively and patiently. To increase reliability and avoid discrimination, ask the same questions of all applicant for a particular job. Keep careful notes and record facts. 26

27 d) Termination: End the interview as happily as it began without creating any awkward situation for the interviewee. Don’t show any sign of success and failure to the applicant. 27

28 e) Evaluation: When the interview over, summaries and record your observations carefully, constructing the report based on responses given by applicant, his behavior, your own observations and the opinions of other experts present during the interview. It is better to use as standardized evaluation form for this purpose. 28

29 Step 6) Medical Examination: certain jobs require physical qualities like clear vision, acute hearing, high stamina, tolerance, clear tone of voice, perfect height. Medical examination reveals whether or not a candidate possesses these qualities. Medical examination can give the following information: i)Whether the applicant is medically suitable for the specific job or not. ii) whether the applicant has health problem or not. 29

30 7) Reference Cheeks: Once the interview and medical examination of the candidate is over, the personnel department will engage in checking references. Candidates are require to give the name of two or three references in their application forms. These references may be from individuals who are familiar with candidate’s academic achievement, or from applicant previous employer. 30

31 8) Hiring decision: this is the last step of selection process. After checking the references of the candidate, the selection committee will take decision to select or reject the candidate. Here care must be taken during the selection of the candidate, to hire a right person for the right job with out discrimination. 31

32 Thanks for Attention 32

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