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Faces of Secondary Flabiana Timor Leste Thai-Burma border Khin.

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2 Faces of Secondary

3 Flabiana Timor Leste

4 Thai-Burma border Khin

5 Colletta Zimbabwe

6 Philippines Bae Lisa

7 Judy Peru Judy

8 Australia Audrey

9 “If you want peace, work for justice” Pope Paul VI

10 Flabiana Timor Leste Flabiana’s community is just one of the many being helped by your support for Caritas Australia.

11 They live in Oe-cusse, a remote part of Timor Leste, just a one hour flight from Darwin.

12 Flabiana’s family fled violence in Timor Leste in 1999. When they returned home, their house was destroyed. They had nothing. Photo: Marden Dean

13 Flabiana and other villagers joined Caritas Australia’s training program. They learned new ways to: grow fast-growing crops grow trees for timber and fruit breed animals process traditional medicine run a savings scheme process food

14 Now they make and sell tofu, tempeh and other foods. Photos: Marden Dean

15 Flabiana says her family’s life has changed so much; she can afford to send her children to school. Photos: Marden Dean

16 Through your support for Project Compassion, Caritas Australia helps other communities like Flabiana’s in more than 30 countries. Through this work for justice, peace is spreading...

17 Khin’s family fled to Thailand to escape poverty and conflict in Burma. Thanks to our partners, Khin can now go to school and her family is being helped to build a more peaceful future.

18 Conflict destroyed the borehole in Colletta’s village in Zimbabwe. Now the borehole is repaired and Colletta says there are fewer squabbles. People can spend time growing food instead of carrying water.

19 Bae Lisa trained as a peace volunteer in the Philippines with our partner, MPC. Now she helps communities to talk through their differences instead of fighting.

20 High poverty levels in Judy’s community in Peru cause a lot of stress. Violence at home is common, and many young people join street gangs. Our partner, Mercy Family Health Service, provides healthcare and a childcare centre. Now Judy’s daughter, Vania, is healthy and happy and her eldest son has returned to school. Judy can imagine a more peaceful future.

21 In Djarindjin, Australia, Audrey is helping her community to fight life-threatening diseases through healthier lifestyles. This is reducing the unjust difference in life-expectancy between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.

22 A more just world means a more peaceful world......for everyone.

23 Prayer God of Compassion, You call us to be peacemakers. Help us to deal with the anger in our own hearts, to forgive and to show mercy. We pray for the many countries where there is conflict. May we live in justice and work for justice so that your peace may transform our homes and our world. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen

24 Join us in Project Compassion Let’s work together for justice and a more peaceful world 1800 024 413

25 Picture credits Timor Leste:Marden Dean Thailand: Molly Mullen, Oliver White and JRS Ranong Zimbabwe:Themba Madzvimbo Philippines:Romy Elufsa Peru:Luis Paz Australia:Richard Wainwright


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