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Counter Reformation. How is a person saved? * Catholicism * Lutheranism Where does religious authority reside? * Catholicism * Lutheranism What is the.

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Presentation on theme: "Counter Reformation. How is a person saved? * Catholicism * Lutheranism Where does religious authority reside? * Catholicism * Lutheranism What is the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Counter Reformation

2 How is a person saved? * Catholicism * Lutheranism Where does religious authority reside? * Catholicism * Lutheranism What is the Church? * Catholicism * Lutheranism

3 I. What was the Counter-Reformation? 1.A movement within the Catholic Church to reform itself in the wake of the Protestant Reformation. 2.It was comprised of 5 major elements: a) Doctrine b) Ecclesiastical or Structural Reconfiguration c) Religious Orders d) Spiritual Movements e) Political Dimensions

4 II.Background 1.The Protestant Reformation did NOT take the medieval Catholic Church completely by surprise. 2.New religious orders sprang up in the 16 th century. 3.Pope Paul VI – revived the Inquisition in Italy to, in part, suppress reform-minded Catholics

5 III. Ignatius Loyola & the Jesuits 1.Most instrumental reform group in the success of the __________________. 2.Referred to as__________________. 3.Who was Ignatius Loyola? 4.He read_______________________ 5.Inspired him to write_____________ a) a program of _________________

6 6.Ignatius’ exercises were intended to teach Good Catholics how to 7.KEY = 8.AND = uncompromising loyalty to 9.This helped

7 IV. Council of Trent 1.Met in 3 session over 18 years (b/c of war, plague and politics) 2.Involved 4 different___________. 3. A commission of cardinals was tasked with institutional reforms to deal with a) corrupt _________&__________ b) c) & other 4.Goal? Council most dedicated to ____________________________

8 V. Change vs No Change Change No Change1. 7.

9 NOTE: Part of Conciliar Movement 1.Pertaining to or issued by a council 2.Emerged in response to the Avignon papacy. 3.Held that final authority in spiritual matters resided with the Roman Church as a corporation of Christians, embodied by a general Church council and NOT with the pope. (3 councils met pre-Luther)

10 VI. Question: Compare and Contrast the Catholic Reformation vs. Lutheran Reformation. Get into groups of 4 and answer the question. Keep in mind: The Council of Trent, instrumental to the Counter Reformation, was improving the discipline and administration of the Church and not reforming doctrine – which was the goal of the Lutheran Reformation

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