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Understanding Primary Music Session 2: Introduction to composing and performing Listening and appraising to improve compositions.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding Primary Music Session 2: Introduction to composing and performing Listening and appraising to improve compositions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding Primary Music Session 2: Introduction to composing and performing Listening and appraising to improve compositions

2 Aims: 1. Explore the potential of music to support children’s development. 2. Develop a range of strategies for supporting vocal development. 3. Explore the use of instruments in simple composition. 4. Evaluate different approaches for recording music in the form of notation. 5. Understand the role of listening and appraising in improving compositions.

3 Music: Its role in developing the whole child Discuss why your chosen piece of music is special to you. How does this support the idea of facilitating the development of the whole child? Link to Every Child Matters and other reading of research into music and children’s development.

4 Introduce call and response in context of children’s verbal interactions Create a short musical excerpt using a combination of: - ‘nonsense syllable sounds’ e.g. zip zap - short snatches of melody / other vocal sounds - body percussion patterns Develop a response and teach this to the class Perform and appraise Approaches for supporting vocal development: call and response

5 Approaches for supporting vocal development: Rap Children find it difficult to maintain a steady beat e.g. stepping rhythmically while chanting a rhyme. This skill can be developed through rap for older children. Goldilocks and the Three Bears rap Sister Act rap

6 Composing a rap Version 1 Create a rap for a well known children’s story that has repeated elements. Version 2 Create a rhythmic pattern to use as an ostenato: repeated phrase or repeated vocal percussion Develop a repeated rap message on a single note or untuned (ie speaking voice)

7 Create a jingle Create a short advertising slogan and compose a simple tune Sheila’s wheels We buy any car Coca cola jingle

8 Exploring percussion instruments 2 Compose a whole class piece: - with 4 beats to a bar - lasting 8 beats - each small group performs after the previous one finishes – develop a smooth transition Why use sound effects?

9 Graphic notation What are the purposes for recording music in written form? What are the advantages and limitations of graphic notation? Look at the examples on pages 3-6 of Session 2 Resource Pack – use ideas from these to develop your own form of graphic notation

10 Group composition Listen to the composition developed by the children: dance/10185.html dance/10185.html Compose a piece of music using untuned percussion: - base the composition on an ABA structure - with 3 or 4 beats in a bar Use graphic notation to record the piece Think about each of the musical elements e.g. dynamics during the composition process

11 Improving compositions: encouraging children to talk about music Talking about music facilitates evaluating and improving of compositions Role of the teacher: - Modeling talking about music - Facilitating talk through open questioning - Scaffolding discussion by supporting through providing necessary vocabulary

12 Independent study task Familiarise yourself with a range of percussion instruments that you will meet in school and think about the different ways you could play them Find a resource online to help you do this.

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