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PGAV UMKC Academic Commons Draft Program. PGAV Planning Objectives Respond to UMKC Vision, Core Values and Strategic Goals Respond to the Master Plan.

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Presentation on theme: "PGAV UMKC Academic Commons Draft Program. PGAV Planning Objectives Respond to UMKC Vision, Core Values and Strategic Goals Respond to the Master Plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 PGAV UMKC Academic Commons Draft Program

2 PGAV Planning Objectives Respond to UMKC Vision, Core Values and Strategic Goals Respond to the Master Plan Appropriate scale for engaged learning experience Recognition of disciplinary differences Recognition of different learning styles Acknowledgment of the commuter experience

3 PGAV What we heard Library as crossroads for campus life Library as nexus for student learning Connection and access for the larger community Support for staff and patron interaction Solve “clumps of stuff” problem Limited on-site collection expansion

4 PGAV Attributes Identified by Librarians Visible Accessible Transparent Flexible Safe Multifunctional Collaborative Welcoming Comfortable Supportive Innovative

5 PGAV The Big Idea An engine for rethinking learning –“All learning is fundamentally social” –Cost-effective delivery of learning –Maximum learning per square foot –Blending the library and the classroom

6 PGAV Today and Tomorrow Vault Beacon Hierarchy Democracy Closed Open Solitary Participatory Linear Non-linear Intimidating Welcoming

7 PGAV Scheme A Collections Quiet Study Learning Center Social Learning

8 PGAV Scheme B Collections Quiet Study Learning Pod Learning Pod Learning Pod Parking

9 PGAV Graduate & Research Learning Pod Special Collections Music/Marr Learning Pod Undergraduate Learning Pod Public Gov Docs Learning Pod Scheme C

10 PGAV Programs Elements: Collections Growth in core collections accommodated off-site; minimal on-site growth for Government Documents On-site growth for Music and Media On-site growth for special collections Accommodation of Western Historical Manuscripts Collection dependent on separate funding

11 PGAV Program Elements: Academic Commons Group study rooms Group study open areas Individual study stations Lecture Hall Auditorium Discipline-related space Seminar rooms Multimedia Center Center for Academic Development Center for Professional Writing Learning Center Learning Centers/Bibliographic instruction rooms Interdisciplinary Faculty Lounge Café

12 PGAV Scheme B Collections Quiet Study Learning Pod Learning Pod Learning Pod Parking

13 PGAV Modified Scheme Humanities Social Sciences Sciences Humanities Resources Soc Sci Resources Science Resources Informal Group Study Spaces Group Study Rooms Lecture Theater Auditorium Multimedia Resources Teaching Center Cafe Seminar Rooms Biblio Classrooms Learning Center

14 PGAV 12% 49% 7% 14% 18% +26%

15 PGAV Hum/Soc Sci/Sci Classes Performing Arts Sciences Fine Arts Univ Center Recreation Business Law Education

16 PGAV 800 510 850 1,300





21 Academic Commons Sciences Student Life Classrooms Residential

22 PGAV Budget (2004 Project Costs) Building Renovate Existing Building 169,733 gsf @ $130 per square foot X 1.3 $28,685,000 New Building 151,529 gsf @ $190 per square foot x 1.3$37,428,000 Site Improvements$4,074,000 Building Total $70,187,000 Garage 510 cars @ $24,000 per car x 1.2 (project cost) Garage Total $14,688,000 Grand Total$84,875,000

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