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The Office of the Christian Teacher Topic Today: The Office of The Public Ministry Topic Today: The Office of The Public Ministry Did you remember to place.

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Presentation on theme: "The Office of the Christian Teacher Topic Today: The Office of The Public Ministry Topic Today: The Office of The Public Ministry Did you remember to place."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Office of the Christian Teacher Topic Today: The Office of The Public Ministry Topic Today: The Office of The Public Ministry Did you remember to place your Call Committee Questions in your folder? Did you remember to place your Call Committee Questions in your folder?







8 A Good Education is Priceless

9 Question of the day from Monday: May a divorced Family Life Director serve in a Lutheran congregation? Question of the day for tomorrow --- Question of the day for tomorrow --- You have built an awesome basketball program at your school. A new Principal arrives who says that she wants to emphasize the Fine Arts and from now on equal playing time for all team members is the rule in athletics. You have invested five years in building this program. You disagree with your principal! What should you do? You have built an awesome basketball program at your school. A new Principal arrives who says that she wants to emphasize the Fine Arts and from now on equal playing time for all team members is the rule in athletics. You have invested five years in building this program. You disagree with your principal! What should you do?

10 Thoughts on the Video! What is the ultimate goal of all public ministry? What is the ultimate goal of all public ministry?

11 The Office of the Public Ministry? Consider: Consider: Is your Call the same/Different then your Pastors? Is your Call the same/Different then your Pastors? Is their an advantage to having a Call vs. being a Contract employee? Is their an advantage to having a Call vs. being a Contract employee?

12 “Among Lutherans, no doctrine has been more disputed since the Reformation than the doctrine of the ministry.” Dr. Sam Nafzgar CTCR

13 Your Call must automatically include tenure? 1. True 2. False

14 A Call can only be issued to people on the Roster of Synod? 1. True 2. False

15 Your spouse and you are wondering if you should both receive Calls. A negative factor influencing this is: 1. The worship schedule of different congregations works against you. You’ll never worship together. 2. You only receive one housing allowance from the IRS. 3. You decide to worship at both congregations every weekend. 4. You will only tithe at one congregation.

16 Do you agree? Congregations should hire Called Workers before hiring contract workers? 1. Yes 2. No

17 A Call guarantees you life long employment in a congregation? 1. True 2. False

18 Can a Called worker be RIFFED? What is your opinion? 1. True 2. False

19 “Controversy is inversely proportional to the amount the New Testament has to say about something.” Dr. Sam Nafzgar Two Philosophies Two Philosophies The tree The tree The support of Pastoral Office The support of Pastoral Office

20 Discuss with your partner the advantages or disadvantages of going to minister in a congregation that views the tree approach to ministry? Old Governance Model Abdon Model – Board Functions in Governance Boards Supervise – Lay Led Newer Governance Model Carver Model – No Boards (Task Forces) Powerful Church Council Pastor Functions as CEO People Supervise People Staff Led

21 Discuss the pros and cons of serving in a congregation with the support role of ministry?

22 Three levels to help understand Ministry Ministry Public ministry Public ministry Office of public ministry Office of public ministry

23 Different Meanings of Call (call) God calls people to be saved God calls people to be saved Called into public ministry? Called to specific place ? Called into public ministry? Called to specific place ?

24 1992 Synodical President Statement Page 28 The Call of a Lutheran School Educator

25 What Calls Are Requests to serve Christ as part of a congregation’s public ministry. They can be full-time or part-time. Requests to serve Christ as part of a congregation’s public ministry. They can be full-time or part-time. Relationships rather than contracts. Relationships rather than contracts. God God Congregation Congregation Pastor and Coworkers Pastor and Coworkers Students and Parents Students and Parents LCMS LCMS

26 The DIVINE CALL Is a deliberate, prayerful, and Spirit-led process. a deliberate, prayerful, and Spirit-led process. the human means which God the Holy Spirit uses to place people into ministry positions. the human means which God the Holy Spirit uses to place people into ministry positions.

27 Mr. Braun’s thoughts on Call Is there a need? (Purpose) Is there a need? (Purpose) Do I have the gifts to fill it? (Competency or expertise) Do I have the gifts to fill it? (Competency or expertise) Can I experience joy in it? (Model) Can I experience joy in it? (Model)

28 CALLS are NOT About ME. About ME. Only a job. Only a job. Guaranteeing you a job in one congregation as long as you want it. Guaranteeing you a job in one congregation as long as you want it. Protection from accountability. Protection from accountability.

29 HANDLING CALLS It is likely you will receive several calls in your life. It is likely you will receive several calls in your life. A new Call is valid at the moment the congregation votes to Call you. (but, you really have it when the paperwork arrives.) A new Call is valid at the moment the congregation votes to Call you. (but, you really have it when the paperwork arrives.)

30 HANDLING CALLS When a congregation notifies you of a call, contact your When a congregation notifies you of a call, contact your Pastor Pastor Principal Principal Congregational President Congregational President District Office’s education executive District Office’s education executive

31 HANDLING CALLS Announce receipt of the Call to the congregation. Announce receipt of the Call to the congregation. Set a target date for a decision. Set a target date for a decision. Pray for the Spirit’s guidance. Pray for the Spirit’s guidance. Receive counsel from coworkers, supervisor. Receive counsel from coworkers, supervisor. Evaluate present ministry. Evaluate present ministry.

32 HANDLING CALLS Carefully review Call documents and materials from calling congregation. Carefully review Call documents and materials from calling congregation. Make two lists. One identifying reasons for accepting the new position and one identifying reasons for remaining in your current ministry. Make two lists. One identifying reasons for accepting the new position and one identifying reasons for remaining in your current ministry. Decide – and don’t second guess. Decide – and don’t second guess.

33 HANDLING CALLS If accepting If accepting Notify pastor, congregations, and district office. Notify pastor, congregations, and district office. Mail post cards and signed acceptance documents Mail post cards and signed acceptance documents Request a peaceful release Request a peaceful release If declining If declining Notify pastors, congregations, and district office. Send letter of declination and return Call documents.

34 Questions???? What is meant by a divine Call? What is meant by a divine Call? May a divine Call be for 6 months? 10 years? May a divine Call be for 6 months? 10 years? Who creates the ministry? Who creates the ministry?

35 How do I get on Synod’s Roster? Application to District President Application to District President Qualified by College and assigned first Call Qualified by College and assigned first Call Signed statement of agreement with Synod’s constitution (Have you read or seen it?) Signed statement of agreement with Synod’s constitution (Have you read or seen it?)

36 Why does the District President sign your placement papers but not my papers if I take a Call?

37 What is the advantage of Roster status? 1. Eligible to be Called 1. Eligible to be Called 2. Eligible for tax benefits as self-employed 2. Eligible for tax benefits as self-employed 3. Eligible for synodical placement 3. Eligible for synodical placement 4. Eligible for synodical relocation assistance 4. Eligible for synodical relocation assistance 5. Eligible for ecclesiastical defense 5. Eligible for ecclesiastical defense

38 Advantages continued 6. Eligible for appeal rights for Minister of Religion 6. Eligible for appeal rights for Minister of Religion 7. Eligible to attend and serve at district conventions 7. Eligible to attend and serve at district conventions 8. Eligible to attend and serve at national convention 8. Eligible to attend and serve at national convention 9. Eligible to serve on synodical boards 9. Eligible to serve on synodical boards 10. Eligible to enjoy Health Plan, Retirement, Disability 10. Eligible to enjoy Health Plan, Retirement, Disability 11. Eligible to be honored in church as ambassador for Christ 11. Eligible to be honored in church as ambassador for Christ

39 Professional in Lutheran Ministry Ministry is equated with________ Ministry is equated with________ Called to ministry of congregation not ______ Called to ministry of congregation not ______ You are Called to serve _______ your classroom walls. You are Called to serve _______ your classroom walls. C vs. c C vs. c Where does volunteer fit in? Where does volunteer fit in?

40 What is the proper order in a Professional Church Worker’s life? Church Church Family Family God God

41 Mutually Agreed upon means(?) … duties as mutually agreed on ….. … duties as mutually agreed on …..

42 What about time-management for a first-year worker? Coaching Coaching Directing Directing Congregation Service “Should a teacher volunteer in the congregation?” Congregation Service “Should a teacher volunteer in the congregation?” Bus Driving Bus Driving Planning Planning Volunteering- “Should a DCE volunteer in the school?” Volunteering- “Should a DCE volunteer in the school?”

43 A.C. Muellers 1964 view on Teaching Ministry was….

44 Have things changed?

45 Yes! Yes! Yes! But we need to get better But we need to get better

46 What differences exist between secondary and elementary Lutheran teachers and Family Life Directors? Called to congregation, free to choose Called to congregation, free to choose Students vs. subjects Students vs. subjects Don’t teach religion as subject (in most cases) Don’t teach religion as subject (in most cases) Congregational Involvement Congregational Involvement School expectations School expectations

47 What is the worker’s role in evangelism? Is there a difference between teaching in a Lutheran School and being a Lutheran teacher? Is there a difference between teaching in a Lutheran School and being a Lutheran teacher?

48 Should a PCW tithe if their wages are already low?

49 Diversity is a popular concept. How does it fit into the church?

50 Two Resources for First Year The First Days of School by Harry Wong Tools For Teaching by Fred Jones Invest---Risk---Growth

51 Credentials or What should you be developing for Professional growth? Samples of Experience (Resumes) Samples of Experience (Resumes) Letters of reference or Evaluations Letters of reference or Evaluations Samples of work, lessons, units Samples of work, lessons, units Transcript Transcript Release of Records Permission Release of Records Permission Teaching Certificate Teaching Certificate Criminal Background Check Criminal Background Check

52 Certification Given by State based on University/College recommendation Given by State based on University/College recommendation Based on test performance Based on test performance Limited in years Limited in years Most states require ongoing development Most states require ongoing development Cost first time by student after that it depends Cost first time by student after that it depends

53 Handout Harry Wong “First Days of School” Career Risk Plan Harry Wong “First Days of School” Career Risk Plan Failure to Plan is Planning to fail Failure to Plan is Planning to fail Lifelong learner Lifelong learner

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