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UNCW Coaches’ Education Meeting OCTOBER 2015. National Letter of Intent  The NLI is a binding agreement between a prospective student- athlete and an.

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Presentation on theme: "UNCW Coaches’ Education Meeting OCTOBER 2015. National Letter of Intent  The NLI is a binding agreement between a prospective student- athlete and an."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNCW Coaches’ Education Meeting OCTOBER 2015

2 National Letter of Intent  The NLI is a binding agreement between a prospective student- athlete and an NLI member institution.  A prospective student-athlete agrees to attend the institution full-time for one academic year (two semesters or three quarters).  The institution agrees to provide athletics financial aid for one academic year (two semesters or three quarters).  Signing Date Period: Nov. 11 th, 2015 to Nov. 18 th,2015  Remember, Dead Period from Nov. 9 th to Nov. 12 th

3 NLI (cont.)  Basic penalty for not fulfilling the NLI agreement: A student-athlete has to serve one year in residence (full-time, two semesters or three quarters) at the next NLI member institution and lose one season of competition in all sports.  Other reasons that a NLI can be voided:  If a student-athlete doesn’t attend attended any institution (two-year or four-year) for at least one academic year  If they are denied by admissions  You may sign an NLI before you receive your final certification determination from the Eligibility Center. Later if you are determined by the Eligibility Center to be a nonqualifier per NCAA rules, this means you are not eligible at the institution for practice, competition and athletics aid. Your NLI will be declared null and void by the NLI signing institution, if by the opening day of classes, you are not academically eligible  Sports is discontinued  If NLI is declared null and void, or a complete release is granted, a prospective student-athlete is not permitted to sign another NLI until the next signing year.

4 NLI (cont.)  If a prospective student-athlete signs an NLI and later attends a junior college, the prospective student-athlete would have to graduate from the junior college under the following conditions:  To satisfy NCAA 2-4 or 4-2-4 transfer rules, if necessary to meet NCAA, conference or institutional regulations. In this case, the previous NLI is considered fulfilled if the PSA graduates from the junior college. The NLI can be signed prior to graduation.  Enrollment in a Junior College (Two-Year College) - No Previously Signed NLI  If a PSA did not sign an NLI prior to enrolling at a junior college, he or she is permitted to sign while attending a junior college. The following rule applies for Division I:  A nonqualifier 2-4 transfer is not permitted to sign an NLI in the first year of junior college enrollment. A nonqualifier in the first year of enrollment does not meet the NCAA requirement to receive athletics aid until attending the junior college for at least three semesters or four quarters.

5 Back to the Basics  What is a contact?  A contact is any face-to-face encounter between a prospective student-athlete or the prospective student-athlete's parents, relatives or legal guardians and an institutional staff member or athletics representative during which any dialogue occurs in excess of an exchange of a greeting.  What do we know about contacts?  No contact before July 1st (MBB opening day of junior year/ WBB Sept. 1st  Get 7 recruiting opportunities- no more than 3 contacts  2 yr PSA who is not a qualifier and in their 1st year may not be contacted in person on or off campus  No contact may be made with a PSA prior to any athletics competition (including a noninstitutional, private camp or clinic, but not an institutional camp or clinic) in which the PSA is a participant during the day or days of competition

6 Hypo #1  The UNC Head Soccer Coach reminds a student-athlete who is going home for the holidays that the student-athlete's former high school will be participating in a tournament. The institution is recruiting a PSA from student-athlete's former high school team. The coach reminds the student-athlete to make sure that talk with the PSA.  Permissible or Impermissible?  Impermissible: Off-campus in-person contact between an enrolled student-athlete (or an enrolled student) and a prospective student- athlete is permissible, provided such contact does not occur at the direction of an institutional staff member.

7 Hypo #2  Florida Golf Coach goes to visit a PSA during school hours and sits in class with the PSA in order to experience a day in the life of a high school student athlete.  Permissible or Impermissible?  Depends: Contact may be made only when such permission is granted and, in basketball, may not be made during the time of the day when classes are in session. Institutions also are bound by this provision when recruiting international prospective student-athletes.

8 Hypo #3  Men’s Basketball coach is on his way to PSA's high school to meet PSA and discovers he does not have correct directions. Coach contacted PSA's mother who suggested they meet at a gas station owned by her cousin so that he could follow her to the high school.  Permissible or Impermissible?  Impermissible: Contacts that occur during a prospective student- athlete's junior year during recruiting periods other than the April recruiting period may occur only at the prospective student- athlete's educational institution.

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