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Setting SMART Goals If goals aren’t reachable, they aren’t worth making. All you have to do to set realistic goals is follow the SMART goals guidelines.

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Presentation on theme: "Setting SMART Goals If goals aren’t reachable, they aren’t worth making. All you have to do to set realistic goals is follow the SMART goals guidelines."— Presentation transcript:

1 Setting SMART Goals If goals aren’t reachable, they aren’t worth making. All you have to do to set realistic goals is follow the SMART goals guidelines.

2 What is a Goal Anyway? According to Merriam-Webster a goal is: the end toward which effort is directed. Goals are dreams and wants except a goal is more specific.

3 The Purpose of Goals The purpose of goals is to give you something that you want to enhance your life in some way, so the most important thing you need to know about goals is that you ought to have some.

4 Two Types of Goals Short-Term Goals:
Usually accomplished quickly (Less than 1 year) Examples: Buy a new Iphone, Write a resume, Go job Hunting (where?), start a domain name blog, become a manager at work. Long-Term Goals: Usually takes longer to accomplish (6 Months-Years+) Examples: Have blog become successful (how?), Learn a second language and speak fluently, learn ASL, Buy a house in 5 years, go back to college for masters or second degree. ONLY YOU LIMIT YOURSELF!!!! Achieving your short-term goals will help you reach your long-term goals.

5 Goal setting works!!!!!! Have you ever sat down on a Sunday evening in front of a pile of homework and asked yourself "What happened to the weekend?"   When done properly, goal setting helps you do those day to day activities that you know you should do to be successful but don't always get done.  More generally, goal setting helps you to identify what you want to accomplish and find a way to do it.

6 SPECIFIC What details do you want to accomplish?—this is ultimately the Goal “I want to do better in history” “I want to increase my history grade from an 85% to a 90%.

7 MEASURABLE All goals should have a way to evaluate whether or not they were accomplished. Could be some sort of value. “I want to run the mile better.” “I want to improve my mile time by 30 seconds.”

8 ATTAINABLE Goals must be something you are capable of reaching. A GUARANTEE!!! Which one would be a better goal for Tom Brady? “I will help my team to win the Super Bowl” “I will rehabilitate my knee so that I can play football again next season.

9 RELEVANT Make goals that are important to you and your lifestyle.
Which goal is better for someone age 16? “My goal is to get a job” “My goal is to fill out applications at McDonalds, Subway, Wendeys, Western Watts and receive a job at one of them.

10 TIME - BOUND Make sure that you have a time set as a “dead line” so your goal is not unending. “My goal is to be able to run a half marathon.” My goal is to run in a half marathon by May of 2009.

11 Also… don’t forget… Goals must also be…

12 REVIEWED Finally, a goal must be REVIEWED.
Share your goals with friends and family members who care about your success. Pick one of these persons who will hold you accountable in addition to yourself. In the meantime, remind yourself regularly of the goals you have set for yourself. You can write your goals in your calendar, on a mirror, or a desk-wherever you will see them often. Check your progress regularly. Ask your friend or family member to check on your progress. They might even offer you some additional incentive for accomplishing your goal!

13 Final tips to Goal Setting:
Write down your goals and look at them often! If you achieved your goals too easily, make your next goals harder. Failure to meet goals only matters if you don’t learn something from your mistakes. Goal setting is am important method of: Deciding what’s important for you to achieve. Motivating yourself. Building self-confidence.

14 Setting goals is a means of identifying and plotting how you are going to achieve your aims in life. By writing down your goals you are committing yourself to accomplishing them; therefore, make sure that your goals are important to YOU!!!!!

15 Motivation Motivation and commitment are what make us strive to achievement. They give us the push, desire, and resolve to complete all of the other steps in the Goal process. This motivation can be obtained by developing a personal statement that creates a high level of emotion and energy that guarantees achievement.

16 Why do we not set or accomplish Goals?

17 Motivation Michael Jordan
The famous basketball player Michael Jordan wrote the following about goal setting in his book, I Can’t Accept Not Trying: Michael Jordan on the Pursuit of Excellence: I approach everything step by step....I had always set short-term goals. As I look back, each one of the steps or successes led to the next one. When I got cut from the varsity team as a sophomore in high school, I learned something. I knew I never wanted to feel that bad again....So I set a goal of becoming a starter on the varsity. That’s what I focused on all summer. When I worked on my game, that’s what I thought about. When it happened, I set another goal, a reasonable, manageable goal that I could realistically achieve if I worked hard enough....I guess I approached it with the end in mind. I knew exactly where I wanted to go, and I focused on getting there. As I reached those goals, they built on one another. I gained a little confidence every time I came through.

18 If [your goal is to become a doctor]
...If [your goal is to become a doctor]...and you’re getting Cs in biology then the first thing you have to do is get Bs in biology and then As. You have to perfect the first step and then move on to chemistry or physics. Take those small steps. Otherwise you’re opening yourself up to all kinds of frustration. Where would your confidence come from if the only measure of success was becoming a doctor? If you tried as hard as you could and didn’t become a doctor, would that mean your whole life was a failure? Of course not. All those steps are like pieces of a puzzle. They all come together to form a picture....Not everyone is going to be the greatest....But you can still be considered a success....Step by step, I cant see any other way of accomplishing anything.

19 Commitment Commitment creates more accountability and is what sets us on direct course to reach our goals. It may create costly negative consequences upon failure to attain a goal. Making a commitment might be something like purchasing a new car with a loan and having to make monthly payments and ensuring you have the money. Motivation and commitment are specific to your situation and life and only you can form statements that will ensure you reach your goal the quickest. The more personal you make your motivation and commitment statements for each goal, the more motivated you will be to accomplish your goal.

20 BE FLEXIBLE Be ready to re-adjust your goals and not give up on them. If they are too easy, they won't be worthwhile, and if they are too tough, and you will start thinking that the idea of goal setting is worthless. Remember, small victories lead to big successes.

21 Why Goals Fail The goal was not written down.
Rewards for achieving the goals were not given. The goal was unrealistic or not specific enough. The goal is not really believable or little commitment exists. Keep changing or switching goals with the weather The person who set the goal has not told anyone else for added accountability, help and support. The goal was not incorporated into a realistic plan that includes measurements, timelines and resources.

22 The Benefits of Setting Goals
Suffer less from stress and anxiety Concentrate better Show more self-confidence Perform better Are happier


24 Step 1: Create a long list of short-term goals and long- term goals/dreams/wants you want to accomplish in your lifetime or in the now.

25 You will be completing... From your list choose… 2 Long-term goals 2 Short-term goals Total of 4 goals to complete!!!!

26 Step 2. Set Goals Once you have chosen you 2 short term goals and 2 long term goals… Complete the following Include the Acronym SMART S-Purchase new IPhone 6 plus M- Cost $700 A- Save up money R- getting a job T-by December 15, 2015

27 3. Identify possible strategies or objectives to reach each goal.
Make a list of what you feel are the best and most effective ways of reaching the goals you have already identified. In other will you accomplish this? To save up money I can do yard work like raking leaves, mowing, cleaning windows, spray for spiders, pull weeds ets. Create a business card for yard work and give to neighbors I can make a resume to get an after school job I can fill out applications to get a job (where?) I can Practice my job interviewing skills to be prepared for a job. I can ask parents for an allowance by doing chores around the house.

28 4. Select the best strategies
Now that you have made a list of several ways to achieve your goal, recognize which of these strategies will work best for you. Choose one that will work for you. To save up money I can do yard work like raking leaves, mowing, cleaning windows, spray for spiders, pull weeds ets. Create business card to give to neighbors

29 5. Motivational Statement 6. Supporter
Create a motivational commitment statement of how to motivate yourself to accomplish the goal. -- I will earn money to get that Iphone I want!!! Choose someone who will support you in accomplishing your goals and describe to me why you chose this person. --My Friend Steve will help because he said he would partner with me and share our earnings.

30 Step 7: Finished Goal Statement
You need to make a finished goal statement at the very end. SMART EXAMPLE: I will be purchasing an IPhone 6 Plus by December 15, 2015 by saving up $ by creating a yard work business card with the services I will do; such as, mowing, raking, weed pulling, washing outside windows, cleaning yard etc…I will go around to neighbors with my business card. What could be added?

31 Start with the end in mind… if it helps
Begin with your finished goal statement and then begin with SMART

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