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Afghan Water Task Progress Report September 7, 2006 EROS Data Center, Sioux Falls, SD Gregg J. Wiche Doug G. Emerson U. S. Geological Survey Bismarck,

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Presentation on theme: "Afghan Water Task Progress Report September 7, 2006 EROS Data Center, Sioux Falls, SD Gregg J. Wiche Doug G. Emerson U. S. Geological Survey Bismarck,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Afghan Water Task Progress Report September 7, 2006 EROS Data Center, Sioux Falls, SD Gregg J. Wiche Doug G. Emerson U. S. Geological Survey Bismarck, ND

2 B1: Streamflow Characteristics for the Helmand River Basin Digitize all daily streamflow for the period of record Develop a standard set of streamflow characteristics for each gage with 10 or more years of record Goals

3 B1: Streamflow Characteristics for the Helmand River Basin Digitized all daily streamflow for 43 stations with 591 station years of record Digitized daily storage for 2 reservoirs with 47 station years of record Developed a standard set of streamflow characteristics for each gage with 10 or more years of record—90 percent complete Accomplishments

4 B1: Streamflow Characteristics for the Helmand River Basin Digitized daily streamflow for all stations: Web based delivery via USGS NWIS CD version by October 31, 2006 Standard streamflow characteristics for each gage with 10 or more years of record Web based delivery by October 31, 2006 Deliverables

5 B2: Recovery of Historical Surface Water Information for the Helmand River Basin Recover all station description documents Develop pdf file of stage-discharge ratings for each gage Goals

6 B2: Recovery of Historical Surface Water Information for the Helmand River Basin Scanned station description documents for 10 stations in the Helmand River Basin Scanned stage-discharge rating for 10 gages Developed a 9-207 form (discharge measurement information) for 10 stations Accomplishments

7 B2: Recovery of Historical Surface-Water Information for the Helmand River Basin Provide electronic documents to Afghan hydrologists involved in reestablishment of gaging stations Deliverables

8 B3: Recovery of Historical Surface Water Information for other Basins in Afghanistan Digitize all daily streamflow for about 100 gaging stations in Afghanistan, outside the Helmand Basin Provide public access to the data Goals

9 B3: Recovery of Historical Surface Water Information for other Basins in Afghanistan Kabul (Indus) River Basin Digitized daily streamflow for 42 stations with 548 years of record Northern River Basin Digitized daily streamflow for 6 stations with 66 years of record Accomplishments

10 B3: Recovery of Historical Surface Water Information for other Basins in Afghanistan Planned for 2007 Deliverables

11 B4: Water-Balance and Rainfall-Runoff Modeling for the Helmand River Basin Develop statistical water-balance model for estimating monthly streamflows Calibrate and verify a precipitation-runoff model of the Upper Helmand River Basin Provide software and documentation for running the rainfall-runoff model Goals

12 B4: Water-Balance and Rainfall-Runoff Modeling for the Helmand River Basin Stochastic water balance models have been calibrated and verified for four gaging stations in the Helmand Basin Time series models for generating potential future traces of water-balance inputs (precipitation and potential ET) have been developed Basin boundaries, stream network, and HRU’s delineated Loading FAO soils information into the GIS weasel Accomplishments

13 B4: Water-balance results for Helmand River


15 DEM of Helmand River Basin above Kajakai Reservoir (not including Tirin River) Tirin River Kajakai Reservoir Gardandewal Ghizab Helmand River above Kajakai Reservoir

16 Hydrologic Response Units (HRUs) for Helmand River Basin above Kajakai (not including Tirin River) Tirin River Helmand River above Kajakai Reservoir

17 B4: Water-Balance and Rainfall-Runoff Modeling for the Helmand River Basin Deliverables Written report summarizing water-balance model methods and results (Sept 30, 2006)

18 B1: Streamflow Characteristics for the Helmand River Basin--2007 Publish Open-file report by January 1, 2007 Produce pdf version of report on web Produce DC version of data Goals Cost $42,011

19 B2: Recovery of Historical Surface Water Information for the Helmand River Basin-- 2007 No additional data has been located. Thus, task has been suspended Goals No Costs anticipated

20 B3: Recovery of Historical Surface Water Information for other Basins in Afghanistan Digitize all daily streamflow for about 100 gaging stations in Afghanistan, outside the Helmand Basin Provide public access to the data Cost $65,696

21 B4: Water-Balance and Rainfall-Runoff Modeling for the Helmand River Basin Use statistical water-balance model to evaluate drought/flood probabilities Calibrate and verify a precipitation-runoff model of the Upper Helmand River Basin Provide software and documentation for running the rainfall-runoff model Prepare and publish USGS SIR report Goals

22 B4: Water-Balance and Rainfall-Runoff Modeling for the Helmand River Basin-- continue $227,455 Cost

23 The End

24 Characterization of the 1991 Flood in the Helmand River Basin Accomplishments Completed time series of Sistan Marshes water-surface area and volume estimates Used a snow-water equivalent model to compute water volume estimates for the Helmand River upstream of Kajakai Reservoir Provided daily water volume estimates for 2003-05 via Afghanistan website Estimated daily streamflow for the Helmand River below Kajakai Reservoir

25 Characterization of the 1991 Flood in the Helmand Basin Goals Complete indirect measurements of discharge at five locations Develop a flood hydrograph at each indirect measurement location Use remote sensing data to compute 1991 flood volumes as a check of the flood hydrograph

26 Water volume of Sistan Marshes Billions of Cubic Meters

27 Annual Flow for the Helmand River at Chahar Burjak

28 A Recovery of Historic Surface-Water Quality Data of the Helmand River Basin Entered 470 station years of daily streamflow for 35 streamgaging stations into NWIS Entered a total of 50 years of mean daily gage heights for 2 reservoirs Entered a total of 50 years of daily contents for 2 reservoirs Conducted quality assurance checks of the data Using NWISWeb to deliver the data via the Afghanistan website Accomplishments

29 NWISWeb Afghanistan Station List

30 Streamflow Loss between Kajakai Reservoir and Darweshan

31 Helmand River below Kajakai Reservoir

32 A Time Series of the Helmand River Goals Compiled all available historical rainfall records and developed techniques to produce orographically-enhanced rainfall estimates Assembled time-series grids of meteorologic data (rainfall, temperature, humidity, radiation, and wind) Develop time-series model

33 A Time Series of the Helmand River Accomplishments Compiled all available historical rainfall records and developed techniques to produce orographically-enhanced rainfall estimates Assembled time-series grids of meteorologic data (rainfall, temperature, humidity, radiation, and wind) Used grids to estimate snow water equivalent grids for 1957, 1958, 1959, and 2003-05 Started development of time series model

34 Installation and Demonstration of a Surface Water Gage Establish a demonstration gage to be used for initial training and mentoring Goals

35 Installation and Demonstration of a Surface Water Gage USGS team visited proposed gage site on the Panjshir River near Gulbahar Cross-section diagram of river obtained Measurements of bridge and cableway obtained Task is on hold until final location selected Accomplishments

36 Helmand River below Kajakai Reservoir

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