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California’s Efforts to Address Air Quality Impacts Related to Goods Movement Activities.

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Presentation on theme: "California’s Efforts to Address Air Quality Impacts Related to Goods Movement Activities."— Presentation transcript:

1 California’s Efforts to Address Air Quality Impacts Related to Goods Movement Activities

2 California Air Resources Board  Attain & Maintain Healthy Air Quality –Direct authority to address Mobile source emissions Fuel specifications Consumer products Airborne toxics Global climate change –Work with local air districts in controlling stationary sources

3 Health Effects of Exposure to Ozone  Reduced lung function  Respiratory ailments  Airway inflammations  Increased hospital and ER usage  Increased school absenteeism

4 Health Effects of Exposure to PM  Increased premature deaths  Reduced lung function  Respiratory ailments  Asthma attacks

5 Health Effects of Exposure to Diesel PM  Increases lung cancer  Increased premature deaths in lung and heart diseases  Asthma attacks  Aggravates bronchitis

6 Air Pollution Impacts Estimated Costs (California)

7 Emissions from Goods Movement  On-road heavy-duty diesel trucks  Land-based cargo handling and support equipment  Ships  Locomotives  Airplanes

8 California Major Goods Movement Transportation Routes

9 Ships, Trucks, Planes and Trains are a Major and Growing Source of NOx Emissions Total NOx emissions =2,708 tpd Total NOx emissions =1,274 tpd

10 Ships, Trucks, Planes and Trains are a Major and Growing Source of PM Emissions Total PM emissions = 124 tpd Total PM emissions = 127 tpd

11 Need for Action Public Health Is Imperative  Will prevent attainment if not addressed  Localized exposure and risk a significant concern Future Trends  Dramatic increase in trade  More emissions from entire goods movement system  Concentrated near population centers  Some sources still poorly controlled

12 California’s Framework for Air Quality Improvement  Diesel Risk Reduction Plan –Adopted in 2000 –75% reduction in diesel PM by 2010 –85% reduction in diesel PM by 2020  State Implementation Plan –Blueprint for meeting federal air quality standards for ozone and PM  Governor’s Environmental Action Plan –Calls for 50% reduction in air pollutant emissions by 2010

13 Reducing Air Quality Impacts due to Goods Movement Will Require:  Effective new engine standards  Clean fuels for all sectors  Program to modernize in-use fleets  Improving efficiencies

14 Need the Best Possible New Engine Standards  Engines Used by Trucks and other Goods Handling Equipment –U.S. EPA and ARB adopted effective new engine standards to reduce emissions from on- and off-road engines by 95% as compared to uncontrolled emissions  Locomotive Engines –Standards adopted by U.S. EPA provide modest reductions –Much more effective national standards are needed and are feasible  Ship Engines –Standards recently adopted at both national and international level but levels far exceed land-based engines –Much more effective standards technically possible and critically needed  Airplane Engines –Standards adopted at both national and international levels do not adequately lower emissions

15 Percent Reduction of NOx Emissions as Compared to Uncontrolled Emissions (Based on Adopted New Engine Standards)

16 Cleaner Fuels Also Needed  Reduce criteria and toxic emissions  Enable advanced control technologies  Beginning in 2007 all on- and off-road equipment required to use 15 ppm sulfur diesel fuel in California  Alternative fuels such as CNG, electricity, and LPG also needed

17 In-Use Fleets Need To Be Cleaned Up  Long engine life of diesel engines requires steps to be taken to reduce emissions from in-use engines  Options for reducing emissions from in- use engines –retrofit –repower –replace –restrict operation

18 Strategy for On-Road Trucks  Clean Up New Trucks –Truck idling restrictions –In-use testing  Existing On-Road Vehicles –Diesel in-use fleet rules –TRU regulations (adopted 2004) –Truck idling restrictions (adopted 2004) Extend idling restrictions to trucks equipped with sleeper cabs (2006)  Increased Truck & Bus Inspections in Highly Impacted Communities  Cleaner Fuels

19 Additional Near Term Action by ARB  California is developing a number of near term measures –Cargo handling equipment –Requirements for in-use harbor craft –Fuel requirements for locomotives and ships –Mitigation measures for locomotives –Measure for ocean going ships –Financial support programs

20 Measures for Cargo Handling Equipment  Cargo handling equipment rule for ports and rail intermodal facilities (2005) –statewide rule –address equipment used to load and unload containers, dry bulk, etc.

21 Measures for Locomotives  Federal New Engine Standards –EPA’s rulemaking underway, ARB commented Aug 04  Cleaner Fuels –Proposed rule for captive locomotives requiring use of California on-road diesel fuel  In-Use Strategies –Reduced idling –Accelerate turn-over of older engines –Memorandum of Understanding

22 Measures for Harbor Craft  Federal New Engine Standards –ARB seeking aftertreatment based standards in pending federal rulemaking  Cleaner Fuels –Proposed ARB rule requiring use of California on-road diesel fuel in captive harbor craft  In-Use Strategies –Proposed ARB regulation requiring clean-up of in-use harbor craft (4th Quarter 2005) –Continued Carl Moyer funding of vessel repowers

23 Measures for Ocean-Going Ships  Internat’l & Federal New Engine Standards –States, USEPA pushing IMO for more stringent standards –USEPA committed to more stringent standards for US flagged ships in 2007, should consider unilateral controls for all ships if IMO will not act  Cleaner Fuels –ARB rule for cleaner fuels in auxiliary engines (4th Q 2005) Will require additional reduction for frequent visitors –Sulfur Emission Control Area designation Best if done at national level  In-Use Strategies –Cold-ironing feasibility study –Ship water emulsion demonstration

24 Additional Efforts Regarding Ports and Rail Yards  Inventory Development  Health Risk Assessments for Nearby Communities –Roseville Railyard  Voluntary Programs –Carl Moyer  Port and Railyard Statewide Comprehensive Strategy (2005)

25 Conclusion  Goods movement activities impact California air quality and these impacts will grow  ARB/Air Districts are moving forward on regulations and agreements to address emissions from trucks, cargo handlers, ships, and trains  Comprehensive strategy under development to ensure that increases in goods movement activities will not jeopardize continued air quality improvements  Success requires extensive collaboration and cooperation at the regional, national and international level


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