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Copyright©2008 N.AlJaffan®KSU1 Chapter 7 Operating System and Utility Programs.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright©2008 N.AlJaffan®KSU1 Chapter 7 Operating System and Utility Programs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright©2008 N.AlJaffan®KSU1 Chapter 7 Operating System and Utility Programs

2 Copyright©2008 N.AlJaffan®KSU2 Operating System and Utility Programs System Software consists of the programs that control or maintain the operations of the computer and its devices. Two types of system software :  Operating system  Utility program Chapter 7

3 Copyright©2008 N.AlJaffan®KSU3 Operating System and Utility Programs Operating System ( OS ), platform Is a set of programs containing instructions that coordinate all the activities among computer hardware resources.  The OS is installed and resides on the computer’s hard disk.  On handheld computers and many mobile devices, the OS may reside on a ROM chip. Chapter 7

4 Copyright©2008 N.AlJaffan®KSU4 Operating System and Utility Programs Operating System ( OS ), platform  Different sizes of computers typically use different operating systems.  The application software designed for a specific operating system may not run when using another OS. Chapter 7

5 Copyright©2008 N.AlJaffan®KSU5 Operating System and Utility Programs Providing a User Interface You interact with software through its user interface. User interface controls how you enter data and instructions and how information is displayed on the screen. 2 types of user interfaces are  Command-line interfaces.  Graphical user interfaces. Chapter 7

6 Copyright©2008 N.AlJaffan®KSU6 Operating System and Utility Programs Providing a User Interface Command-line interfaces  User types commands or presses special keys on the keyboard to enter data and instruction.  Its difficult to use because they require exact spelling, grammar and punctuation.  Its give a user more control to manage detailed settings. Chapter 7

7 Copyright©2008 N.AlJaffan®KSU7 Operating System and Utility Programs Providing a User Interface Graphical user interfaces GUI  You interact with menus and visual images such as buttons and other graphical objects to issue commands.  Most users today work with it. Chapter 7

8 Copyright©2008 N.AlJaffan®KSU8 Operating System and Utility Programs Managing Programs  Single user/single tasking OS allows only one user to run one program at a time. Small computing device often use a single user/single tasking OS.  Single user/multitasking OS allows a single user to user to work on two or more programs that reside in memory at the time. Chapter 7

9 Copyright©2008 N.AlJaffan®KSU9 Operating System and Utility Programs Managing Programs  Multiuser OS enables 2 or more user to run programs simultaneously.  Multiprocessing OS supports 2 or more processors running programs at the same time. Chapter 7

10 Copyright©2008 N.AlJaffan®KSU10 Operating System and Utility Programs Types of OS There are 3 basic categories of OS that exist today  Stand-alone Is a complete OS that works on a desktop computer, notebook computer, or mobile computing device. Some of them OS include networking capabilities  Network Typically resides on a server.  Embedded OS on most PDAs and small devices. Typically resides on a ROM chip Chapter 7

11 Copyright©2008 N.AlJaffan®KSU11 Operating System and Utility Programs Types of OS Stand-alone  DOS versions of DOS were PC- DOS and MS-DOS  Windows 3.x, Windows 95, Windows NT workstation, Windows 98, Windows 2000 Professional, Windows Millennium edition.  Windows XP.  Windows Vista.  Mac OS X  UNIX  Linux Chapter 7

12 Copyright©2008 N.AlJaffan®KSU12

13 Copyright©2008 N.AlJaffan®KSU13

14 Copyright©2008 N.AlJaffan®KSU14

15 Copyright©2008 N.AlJaffan®KSU15 Operating System and Utility Programs Types of OS Network  NetWare  Windows NT server, Windows 2000 Server  Windows Server 2003  UNIX  Linux  Solaris, version of UNIX developed by sun Microsystems designed specifically for e-commerce application. Chapter 7 Often are called multipurpose OS

16 Copyright©2008 N.AlJaffan®KSU16 Operating System and Utility Programs Types of OS Embedded  Windows CE  Windows Mobile  Palm OS  Embedded Linux  Symbian OS is an Open source multitasking OS designed fore smart phone Chapter 7

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