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QOS_ISO/ TS_20021 BSC Balanced ScoreCard QOS Quality Operating System.

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Presentation on theme: "QOS_ISO/ TS_20021 BSC Balanced ScoreCard QOS Quality Operating System."— Presentation transcript:

1 QOS_ISO/ TS_20021 BSC Balanced ScoreCard QOS Quality Operating System

2 QOS_ISO/ TS_20022 0 Introduction 0.2 Process Approach For an organisation to function effectively and efficiently, it has to identify and manage numerous linked activities. An activity using resources, and managed in order to enable the transformation of inputs into outputs, is considered as a process.

3 QOS_ISO/ TS_20023 Continual Improvement of the QMS Require- ments Interested parties Interested parties Satisfaction Measurement analysis and improvement Resource Management Responsibility Product realization Input Output Product

4 QOS_ISO/ TS_20024 5 Management Responsibility 5.1 Management Commitment supported by establishing quality policy ensuring quality objectives are established conducting Management Reviews > BSC - BOS - MOS - QOS < ensuring the avalability of resources

5 QOS_ISO/ TS_20025 5 Management Responsibility 5.3 Quality Policy appropriate to the purpose of the organization commitment to comply with requirements continually improve the effectiveness of QMS provides a framework for establishing and reviewing quality objectives is communicated and understood in the organization reviewed for continuing suitability

6 QOS_ISO/ TS_20026 5 Management Responsibility 5.4 Planning 5.4.1 Quality Objectives established at relevant functions and levels of the organization relevant for meeting product requirements quality objectives must be measurable Supplement: objectives and evaluation criteria part of business plan

7 QOS_ISO/ TS_20027 5 Management Responsibility 5.6 Management Review 5.6.1 General review QMS at planned intervals ensure continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness assess opportunities for improvement and the need for changes: Quality Management System Quality Policy and Quality Objectives

8 QOS_ISO/ TS_20028 5 Management Responsibility Quality Management System Performance include all requirements of the QMS review performance trends as an essential part of continual improvement process monitor quality objectives evaluate cost of poor quality record achievements against business plan (minimum) quality objectives customer satisfaction with product supplied

9 QOS_ISO/ TS_20029 5 Management Responsibility 5.6.2 Review Input results of audits customer feedback process performance and product conformity status of preventive and corrective actions follow-up actions from previous Management Reviews changes that could effect QMS recommendations for improvement

10 QOS_ISO/ TS_200210 5 Management Responsibility 5.6.3 Review Output decisions and actions related to improvement of effectiveness of QMS and its processes improvement of product related to customer requirements resource needed

11 QOS_ISO/ TS_200211 8 Measuring, Analysis and Improvement 8.2. Monitoring and Measurement 8.2.1 Customer Satisfaction informationen relating to customer perception as to whether customer requirements are met seen as performance of the QMS Customer Satisfaction - Supplemental delivered part: quality performance in plant or field delivery schedule performance, premium freight

12 QOS_ISO/ TS_200212 8 Measuring, Analysis and Improvement 8.4.1 Analysis and Use of Data trends in quality and operational performance shall be compared with progress towards objectives and lead to action to support the following: development of priorities for prompt solutions to customer-related problems determination of trends for key-customers information system on product arising from usage data compared with customers/ appropriate benchmarks

13 QOS_ISO/ TS_200213 Quality Operating System QOS-Teams Constant Empoyee Awareness Measurables for Key Internal Processes Predict Downstream Performance Internal Key Prozesses and Events Quality Policy Customer Expectations Strategic Goals Trends of Measurables Continuous Improvement

14 QOS_ISO/ TS_200214 * Implementing QOS * 11 Steps Steering Committee 1. Establish Quality Management System 2. Select and train QOS Teams 3. Identify and rank customer expectations 4. Incorporate goals into business plan

15 QOS_ISO/ TS_200215 4. Business Plan - External Orientation - Quality Policy Mission Statement Competitive Benchmarks Customer Expectations Business Plan Strategic Imperatives

16 QOS_ISO/ TS_200216 * Implementing QOS * 11 Steps Improvement Team 5. identify internal key processes 6. select measurables for internal key processes 7. log trends for internal key processes 8. develop and execute action plans

17 QOS_ISO/ TS_200217 * External Orientation * Business Plan Strategic Imperatives * Internal Goals *

18 QOS_ISO/ TS_200218 * Internal Goals * Business Plan Strategic Imperatives Short Term Goals, Events Action Plan (CIP) Measurables Key Processes Action Plan (CIP) Measurables Key Processes Management Review Internal Processes Company Level Data Continuous Improvement

19 QOS_ISO/ TS_200219 * Implementing QOS * 11 Steps Steering Committee & Improvement Team 9. predict downstream performance 10. use Data Management 11. schedule regular QOS Meetings (QM Review)

20 QOS_ISO/ TS_200220 10. Data Management

21 QOS_ISO/ TS_200221 * QOS Assessment * Communication Teamwork Management Review Measurables Quantifying Tools Continual Improvement Dynamic Process

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