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 One morning we presented to students from another school all the things we had done during the two years work of the Comenius project. We were divided.

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2  One morning we presented to students from another school all the things we had done during the two years work of the Comenius project. We were divided in six groups, each group had to present one different meeting.

3  The first meeting was in Italy in November 2013, we were all a bit nervous because it was our first time. We all presented our schoo and then we chose the logo for the project in a competition. In this meeting we also made a trip to Treviso.


5  The second meeting was in the Netherlands in January 2014. We were divided into two groups. One worked on Art, making Photoshop collages, the second group worked on poetry and made a reading. We also visited Amsterdam.


7  The third meeting was in Germany in March 2014. We were divided in: video, technology, drama, poetry and land art groups. The drama group prepared a song to dance and studied suitable choreography. The poetry group learned how to write and wrote poems about the four elements. The technology group made several objects related to the four elements. 


9  The fourth meeting was in Turkey in June 2014. The first day Italian students presented system of safety measures at school for the four elements (Earthquake, Floods, Storms, Volcanoes). Then students had a workshop of first aid and then all students had an excursion to Ankara. On the last day students had a workshop where they built a windproof tower.


11  The fifth meeting was located in Holland in 2014. On Tuesday the participants arrived and discussed in a cafeteria about the program. On Wednesday started the first workshop where the participants were split in four groups, each one representing a different element. The five groups measured the heat produced by burning plastic; the air group built a car powered by wind; the water group put a glass of water in a freezer and another one at back of it and they measured the heat that the freezer was producing on the outside by freezing the glass inside; the earth group built a car powered by solar cells. We also had a trip to a wind mill and to a socks factory to see the activities that were done in there.


13  The sixth meeting was in Germany in March 2015. The first day was spent with the host families. The second day started with an outline of the project and the summing up for the different phases of the project. The day continued w1ith an overview of the next step: the exhibition. The meeting continued with the preparation of the exhibition. The exhibition was opened to the families that could see the posters, the inventions and the videos. On the last day there was a trip to the Gasometer in Oberhousen.


15 The presentation of our works went well and all the students who came to see it liked it a lot.

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