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READING/ELA NOTEBOOK K. STEWART, 3rd PERIOD TABLE OF CONTENTS A.Reading Notes B.Novels C.AOW D.Reading Minute E.English Notes F.Tests.

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Presentation on theme: "READING/ELA NOTEBOOK K. STEWART, 3rd PERIOD TABLE OF CONTENTS A.Reading Notes B.Novels C.AOW D.Reading Minute E.English Notes F.Tests."— Presentation transcript:

1 READING/ELA NOTEBOOK K. STEWART, 3rd PERIOD TABLE OF CONTENTS A.Reading Notes B.Novels C.AOW D.Reading Minute E.English Notes F.Tests

2 AOW (Article of the Week) 1.8/12/13 The Teenage Brain 2.8/19/13 What Should Minimum Wage Be?

3 Reading Minute 1.8/12/13Article Title One sentence summary 2.8/19/13Article Title One sentence summary

4 Break Detention 5 break detentions will result in ISS or paddling.

5 CELL PHONES Cell phones may be used for specified homework as directed by teacher. @WhighamSchool should be used. NO CELL PHONES IN CLASS OR CAMPUS!

6 BOOK OF THE MONTH One recreation book per month, turn in paper, receive 100. If you don’t turn in the paper by the end of the month, you will receive a 0. All papers are due on the last school day of the month, beginning AUGUST 30, 2013.

7 AOW Article of the Week 1. Mark your confusion. 2. Show evidence of a close reading. Mark up the text with questions and/or comments. Highlight 3. Write a one-page reflection on your own sheet of paper. 4. Cite textual evidence in reflection.

8 Journals You will need a composition notebook.

9 LOCKER BREAKS Before HR 11:30 am 8 th grade, 2:15 6 th and 7 th, 3:00

10 No bathroom breaks during break. Do not go into 3 rd grade or 5 th grade hallways during break or when returning from break.

11 MORNING ROUTINE 1.Wait quietly in hallway until teacher opens door. 2.No food/drink in hallway. 3.No students in MS hallway until 7:30 am. 4.Come in and get started on seatwork or DEAR.

12 HOMEWORK POLICY Homework should be put in the appropriate box AS SOON AS you enter the classroom. LATE policy: Turned in after class and up to next day, loss of 10 points.

13 HW policy (continued) Anything after the next day will not be accepted.

14 Any questions???? k.stewart@grady.k12.

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