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Internationalisation in the classroom Kate Morse Head of International Business Sheffield Business School.

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Presentation on theme: "Internationalisation in the classroom Kate Morse Head of International Business Sheffield Business School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internationalisation in the classroom Kate Morse Head of International Business Sheffield Business School

2 Who are our students ?

3 Typical learning style in China High School 6.50am- 9.30pm - morning spent on self study - memorising Very little group work and this is not seen as important in comparison to exams The teacher is king Loosing face -The importance perfect/correct answer "Worry about showing off if they answer questions " Fear of exams - fear of failing


5 5 Images from Yang Liu Design DEALING WITH A PROBLEM

6 6 Images from Yang Liu Design NEGOTI ATIONS

7 7 Images from Yang Liu Design NET WORKING

8 8 Images from Yang Liu Design WAITING IN LINE

9 9 Images from Yang Liu Design SOCIAL ISING

10 10 Images from Yang Liu Design ARRIVING ON TIME

11 Internationalisation in the classroom Internationalisation OR Creating a Global Student Experience

12 Deficit model ( staying with tradition) OR Enrichment model ( widening our learning styles and approaches )

13 Hints and Tips Appreciate the different learning and assessment styles of the students Embed into the curriculum -front loading does not work Preparation - is key to student success - be explicit about the benefits of reading before class - Suggest students record lectures and actively encourage this - ban translators Internationalise reading lists Use of Global case studies Showcase the global knowledge in the classroom The importance of cultural empathy for employability opportunities Sense check assignments with peers and students

14 Group Work & In class debate - Sharing best practice Preparing cross cultural team working The importance of trust and empathy between tutors and students The value of Icebreakers - don't just jump straight into the subject Appreciate this is a long process long process and understand this is only because they have different ideas of learning and assessment

15 What our partners have to say "Always state exactly and explicitly what students have to do" "Explain the consequences of not doing what is expected" "Open questions need to be explained" "Expectation that dissertations will be closely supervised" - we need to be clear what this means here in SBS and manage expectations

16 What our partners have to say understand the move required to become independent learners success means being organised understanding what it means to take personal responsibility psychological preparation as important as the physical students participation essential Preparing Student - understanding their responsibilities

17 How far have we come ? Moved from a "bolt on" to and integrated approach Recognised the importance of international students Executive support to support academics and the student experience Cultural awareness and diversity initiatives Providing opportunities to share experiences Dedicated support - student mentors, Development of new courses Sponsoring tutors and partners to visit Enhanced in country preparation for UK study Staff supporting recruitment New this year Expanding flying start New staff induction New LTA roles to develop workshops for staff support

18 How far do we need to go ? Continuous improvement - always !! Sharing best practice What does a truly global student look like ? What further support is needed ? …………………………….

19 Thank you

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