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Theatre 1, 2, & 3 Guidelines, Consequences and Procedures Mrs. Suddoth.

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Presentation on theme: "Theatre 1, 2, & 3 Guidelines, Consequences and Procedures Mrs. Suddoth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theatre 1, 2, & 3 Guidelines, Consequences and Procedures Mrs. Suddoth

2 Welcome to Intro to Theatre! Please get started on the bellwork below: Bellwork #1 Look at the name of your table. Take five minutes to write about what you believe or to whom you believe the title is referring. Your entry should be about one full page.

3 Classroom Guidelines- D.R.A.M.A.!  D- Demonstrate responsibility at all times  R- Respect everyone in the classroom  A- Abide by Hernando High School student handbook  M- Maintain the safety of yourself and your classmates  A- Audience Etiquette  !- Stay away from the “No Go Zones”

4 Classroom/ Theatre Consequences 1 st Offense:  Infraction Notice 1 st Offense:  Infraction Notice 2 nd Offense:  Infraction Notice  Parents Notified  Action Plan 2 nd Offense:  Infraction Notice  Parents Notified  Action Plan 3 rd Offense:  Parents Notified  Action Plan  Referral 3 rd Offense:  Parents Notified  Action Plan  Referral

5 Classroom Procedures  Entering the Classroom: Enter silently Sit in your assigned seat/grouping Immediately begin working on the bell work

6 Classroom Procedures  During Class: Always come to class prepared o Pen/pencil o Homework o Notebook/paper Always Get permission before you speak or leave your seat

7 Classroom Procedures  During Class: Actively take part when asked to participate in theatrical exercises or games - Theatre games -Class Discussion -Other Group Work Use the restroom before or after class - 1 Restroom pass per semester

8 Classroom Procedures  Exiting Class: Always arrange the tables the way you originally found them Gather any trash and dispose of it when exiting Turn in required assignments in the appropriate basket The bell does not release you, I do

9 Theatre Rules- A.C.T.  A- Audience Etiquette: Watch, Listen, Learn, and Show Respect  C- Classroom rules must be followed here as well  T- The house is your permanent home (when not officially assigned a task elsewhere)

10 Make-Up Work Procedure  Go to homework folder  Copy the missed assignment down  Retrieve handouts  Sign the Makeup Work Log  Turn in make up work by the allotted time listed in the HHS handbook  Make up work for unexcused absences is not available

11 Class Discussion Procedure  PLEASE actively participate Questions Opinions Evidence  I want to hear what you have to say  Only use relevant examples, opinions, or questions  If it is not, write it down and ask later

12 Special Procedures Rules for special procedures will be covered on an “as needed” basis For example during:  Special Guests  Fire Drill  Intercom Announcements  Assemblies  Show Day/Night  Etc.

13 Theatre Procedures  Entering the Theatre: Enter silently Sit in your assigned seat/ grouping Immediately begin working on the bellwork

14 Theatre Procedures  During Class- Always come to the theatre prepared  Pen/pencil  Notebook/ Paper  Book  Homework You must get permission before making a comment or asking a question

15 Theatre Procedures  During Class- Actively take part when asked to participate in theatrical exercises or games - Theatre games -Class Discussion -Other Group Work Use the restroom before or after class - 1 Restroom pass per semester

16 Theatre Procedures  Exiting the Theatre: Gather all trash and dispose of it while exiting Turn in required assignments in the appropriate basket The bell does not release you, I do

17 Meet the Teacher: Lauren Suddoth Education – Senatobia – NWCC – Ole Miss Graduate Family – Husband – Dogs Panola Playhouse – Executive Director Actress – Oklahoma, CATS, Les Mis, etc. – American Idol – Disney World

18 Icebreakers Silent Introductions Human Bingo

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