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Personal Worship and Corporate Worship One cannot replace the other Leading Worship You cannot lead people to a place you haven’t been to yourself… unless.

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Presentation on theme: "Personal Worship and Corporate Worship One cannot replace the other Leading Worship You cannot lead people to a place you haven’t been to yourself… unless."— Presentation transcript:


2 Personal Worship and Corporate Worship One cannot replace the other Leading Worship You cannot lead people to a place you haven’t been to yourself… unless you are the vessel that THE greatest and highest Leader (God) is leading people through. How do I lead Worship? Seek, Watch, Learn, Pray, Practice, Grow, Translate (what God spoke to you through music, prayer, words, sound, etc)… And the list goes on… really.

3 It’s not about what you have, It’s about what you are willing to have and give Worship is not just a form of service It’s a lifestyle "I appeal to you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.“ – Romans 12:1

4 Senior TeamJunior Team VocalsSam, Tim, Steve, SophLarry, Morissa, Karen KeyboardSophMorissa Acoustic GuitarSam, Tim, SteveLarry Electric Guitar BassVickyKaren DrumsCatherine Power PointYucen BulletinMira SoundSam, Lawrence Others!

5 Senior TeamJunior Team Attend Friday Small Group Attend Sunday Service

6 Senior TeamJunior Team Attend Friday Small Group + Friday practice at 7:00pm Optional Friday practice Attend Sunday Service + Sunday practice at 12:30pm Optional Sunday practice Jr. Team Worship Practice 7:30pm on Saturdays

7 Want to serve God Are interested in music, audio/video, writing Are willing to commit to practice sessions Take Ownership of your prayer and devotional life Always being ready to share and learn Are baptized We want YOU!!!

8 Communion Translation Team!!/ 翻译队 !!

9 Purpose/ 目的 The purpose of the translation team is not only to bring the Chinese and English ministry together during our monthly communion. It is also to accommodate the ones that don’t understand mandarin particularly from youth group. Let new comers to have a better understanding of communion

10 How we do it??? 我们怎么做它 ??? The communion is held on the first Sunday of every month. Each month a translator is selected to translate the message. We usually meet with the Elder or Pastor after youth group on the Friday before the first Sunday of the month. Serving the cup and the bread is also part of our service. That means we have to dress up =)

11 Requirements/ 要求 Must be baptized Must attend all the meeting even if you are not the translator for the month Most come to church frequently( frequently as in attend Friday youth group and Sunday worship 90% of the time.

12 Current Playas/ 谁 ? Sophia Wang Vicky Xia Karen Xu Catherine Yang Larry Chen Morissa Chen

13 CHILDREN’S MINISTRY - Sunday  2-3 yr old class: 1 helper/mo  4-5 yr old class: 1 helper/mo for Sunday School and worship  Commitment: 1-3 months  Requirements: Baptized Baptized Approved by youth group leaders Approved by youth group leaders Prepare diligently for all classes Prepare diligently for all classes as necessary

14 ADULT MINISTRY – Worship Service  Serve through musical instruments to worship and glorify God when the Mandarin choir leads praise and worship once a month  Commitment: Practice 3 Sunday evenings 5-6:15pm and rehearsal 1 Sunday 12:15-1:20pm  Serve through musical instruments to worship and glorify God during special events/festivals (Occasionally)  Commitment: TBD

15 ADULT MINISTRY – Worship Service Requirements  Integrity of Heart: Baptized Baptized Regularly attend Sunday worship service and Friday fellowship/SG and/or Wednesday PM Regularly attend Sunday worship service and Friday fellowship/SG and/or Wednesday PM Good relationship with God: regular devotion, true worshipper, and prayer warrior Good relationship with God: regular devotion, true worshipper, and prayer warrior Serious Attitude & Commitment Serious Attitude & Commitment

16 ADULT MINISTRY – Worship Service Requirements  Skillful Hands: Good (above average) skill – audition Good (above average) skill – audition Practice at home Practice at home  Approved by youth group leaders

17 Program Team

18 “I delight greatly in the LORD; my soul rejoices in my God.” -Isaiah 61:10

19 Purpose of the Team Express our overflowing joy in Christ Express our overflowing joy in Christ Show God’s love and invite others to join Show God’s love and invite others to join Create a warm atmosphere for people to experience and meet with God Create a warm atmosphere for people to experience and meet with God

20 Gross!

21 Yummy!

22 Sorry!

23 “What is learned with laughter is learned well.” -Somebody

24 What We Do CREATIVITY + HARD WORK = FUN!! Icebreakers Icebreakers Club nights Club nights Performances/skits Performances/skits Special events Special events Atmosphere/decorations Atmosphere/decorations

25 Team Requirements Love God Love God Love others Love others Regular church attendance Regular church attendance Interest in art/music/dance/cool stuff Interest in art/music/dance/cool stuff Humble attitude Humble attitude Willing to take risks Willing to take risks

26 Upcoming Events… I’m so excited! Club Night Club Night …and more!

27 Talk to Dan if you’re interested in helping! I’m so cute!


29 Sophia Wang: prayer leader Jane Wang: prayer leader Mira Wang Michelle Bao JESUS.

30 Wednesday night: 8:30 P.M. to 10 PM* Schedule: Worship Small groups: split large group according to instruction by that week’s leader Large group prayer: leader lifts up prayer requests for which everyone prays individually

31 Jesus shows us by example to pray. “But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” Luke 5:16 God gives us peace when we pray! “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7 God answers prayer; there is power in prayer. “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.” 1 John 5:14-15

32 Chooses songs for worship Organizes everyone into small groups Gives instruction for small group Decides and delivers prayer topics Maintains a clean workspace and prepares for night (i.e., retrieves songbook binders, cleans up room, etc.)

33 Involve in own personal relationship and prayer life with God Have a willing heart Be baptized Attend prayer meeting as well as Friday and Sunday services


35 Service Ministry 42 And Jesus called them to him and said to them, "You know that those who are considered rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. 43 But it shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, 44 and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all. 45 For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.“ -Mark 10:42-45

36 What is Service Ministry? Set up chairs, events, snacks Put away chairs Greeting fellow youth group members Trash/Bathroom Counting attendance Anything that the youth group needs to be done…

37 Want to serve with good nakamas?

38 Join Service Team


40 children play group children choir - baptism friday for children in adult's sg

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