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Mary Markowski. VOLUNTEERS, PLEASE? Who would like to reach inside the bag for us?

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Presentation on theme: "Mary Markowski. VOLUNTEERS, PLEASE? Who would like to reach inside the bag for us?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mary Markowski

2 VOLUNTEERS, PLEASE? Who would like to reach inside the bag for us?

3 WHY?

4 Prefrontal cortex Prefrontal cortex (decision making ) not fully developed yet Tough to make good, logical decisions for the long term Amygdala Amygdala (part of limbic or reward system) is swollen so it’s sensitive to new, exciting experiences and overreacts to negative experiences Makes Addictions PEAK now!!!!! Makes Addictions PEAK now!!!!! Brain is STILL GROWING usually stops around age _____ usually stops around age _____ ………. ……….25 Bottom Line: TEENS are PHYSIOLOGICALLY impaired Bottom Line: TEENS are PHYSIOLOGICALLY impaired HEALTHY DECISIONS are more difficult to make now HEALTHY DECISIONS are more difficult to make now TEEN BRAIN DIFFERENCES

5 Think of all the little and big decisions you have made within: The past 24 hours The past week The past year They all add up to shape our health & life! BEHAVIOR AND CHOICES

6 HEALTHY DECISION MAKING PROCESS 1.Identify decision to be made and Think about options. 2.**Predict consequences of each option. Advantages/Disadvantages or a Pro/Con list Advantages/Disadvantages or a Pro/Con list Throw out any options that could lead to trouble. If your not sure, ask yourself. Is it against the law school or family rules, or teachings of my religion? Is it harmful to me or others? Would it disappoint my family or other adults important to me? Would I be hurt or upset if someone did this to me? 3.Choose best option. And Do it. 4.**Rethink your decision How did things turn out? You can ALWAYS do it differently next time. How did things turn out? You can ALWAYS do it differently next time.

7 Why do we decide to do things, even though we know they are risky or may hurt us in the long run? Anger, yelling, hitting, threatening, fighting Anger, yelling, hitting, threatening, fighting Cigarettes, Alcohol, marijuana, Rx drugs Cigarettes, Alcohol, marijuana, Rx drugs Skip School, Harassment/bullying Skip School, Harassment/bullying Sexual decisions, partners, condoms (or not) Sexual decisions, partners, condoms (or not) Food and sleep choices Food and sleep choices Write answers on the handout LET’S TALK

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