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ILWS Activities AUSTRIA Rumi Nakamura and Helmut O. Rucker Space Research Institute Austrian Academy of Sciences (IWF/OeAW) June 2008 ILWS Activities AUSTRIA.

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Presentation on theme: "ILWS Activities AUSTRIA Rumi Nakamura and Helmut O. Rucker Space Research Institute Austrian Academy of Sciences (IWF/OeAW) June 2008 ILWS Activities AUSTRIA."— Presentation transcript:

1 ILWS Activities AUSTRIA Rumi Nakamura and Helmut O. Rucker Space Research Institute Austrian Academy of Sciences (IWF/OeAW) June 2008 ILWS Activities AUSTRIA Rumi Nakamura and Helmut O. Rucker Space Research Institute Austrian Academy of Sciences (IWF/OeAW) June 2008

2 ILWS relevant Austrian institutions  IWF/OEAW Space Research Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences Space mission, theory-modeling, ground-based observation  IGAM/KFU Institute for Geophysics, Astrophysics and Meteorology, Institute of Physics, Karl Franzens University Graz Ground-based observation, theory, observational diagnostics  TUG Graz University of Technology Rocket experiment, modeling

3 ILWS Mission Participation (IWF)  In orbit:  Cluster: ASPOC/FGM/EDI, Data Center, Data Analysis  Double Star: ASPOC/FGM, Data Center, Data Analysis  THEMIS: FGM, Data Analysis  Venus Express: VEXMAG/ASPERA, Data Analysis  Stereo: WAVES  Under Development:  Bepi Colombo: MGF on MMO, PICAM/MERMAG on MPO  MMS: EDI/ASPOC/FGM  Solar Orbiter: IWF (Magnetometer, Radio and Plasma Waves) IGAM/KFU (STIX)  Resonance: High Frequency Electric Field experiment  Planning:  Cross Scale: Assessment study (Instrument and Mission)

4 ILWS relevant ground-based obs.  Kanzelhöhe Observatory IGAM/KFU Solar observations Central European Solar ARchives (CESAR)  Ground-based magnetometer IWF Study of field line resonances / Space Weather together with Italy, Hungary, and Greece

5 Science in the context of IHY see ( International Heliophysical Year 2007  IWF/ OeAW  Inst. of Physics, Univ. Graz  Inst. for Astronomy, Univ. Vienna  Inst. for Astro-and Particle Physics, Univ. Innsbruck  EU FP6 Project  Science festivals and space weather exhibition  ARC (Austrian Research Centers GmbH)  IWF/OeAW Space Weather and Europe - an Educational Tool with the Sun

6 Space Weather  Participation in COST 724 action (EU) “Developing the Scientific Basis for Monitoring, Modelling and Predicting Space Weather”  Participation in the ESA-Space Situational Awareness Inititative (ESA/SSA) including the issue Space Weather  Space Weather relevant research projects IWF, IGAM/KFU on magnetic clouds, CME, and solar corona supported by Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and Austrian Academic Exchange Service (ÖAD)  SOlar-TERrestrial Investigations and Archives IGAM/KFU EU-FP7 project

7 Status summary  Continue participation in ILWS relevant mission and ground-based observation activities.  Exhibition on IHY is planned for 2009 in Graz and at 2 other sites.  Enhanced interest in Space Weather relevant activity

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