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Business Application Services Project Review March 30, 2011 Next BASPR April 27, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Business Application Services Project Review March 30, 2011 Next BASPR April 27, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Business Application Services Project Review March 30, 2011 Next BASPR April 27, 2011

2 Agenda Performance Metrics Project/Enhancement Service Level Dashboard Operations Service Level Dashboard Completed Projects Business Services Change Requests Business Services Enhancement Service Requests SQL Requests/Problem Management Summary Portfolio Budget Status Priority Execution Delivery Schedule Projects in Movement Program Status HCM Financials Scorecard Executive Issues 1

3 Green Red Met Expected Target Did Not Meet Expected Target TargetYearJanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSepOctNovDec75% 201175%83% 201075%38%86%82%100%55%92%84%70% 2011 201075% 80% 100% 60% 85% 2011 2010100% 94% 100% 80% 85% 2011 2010100% 86% 78% 70% 2011 201027% 43% 57% 67% Business Application Services Change Request on Time (Detail) Business Application Services Projects on Time (Detail) Business Application Services Projects on Budget (Detail) Technical Service Projects on Time (Detail) Technical Services Projects on Budget (Detail) Project/Enhancement Service Level Dashboard 2

4 Operations Service Level Dashboard 3 Contact Center Speed to Answer (Detail) 30 sec 201164 20102625 29 594521 16131727 Contact Center First Call Resolution (Detail) 62% 201165%67% 201054%51%60% 62%70%67%64%75%72%68%71%TargetYearJanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSepOctNovDecGreen Red Met Expected Target Did Not Meet Expected Target

5 Projects Completed Since Last Review Schedule Budget 4 Asset Management Rollout – Tax

6 5 2011 Business Application Services Change Requests On Time

7 6 2011 Business Application Services Enhancement Service Requests

8 Problem Management SQL Requests 7

9 SQL Problem Management Summary 8

10 Portfolio Priority 9

11 10

12 Projects in Execution Delivery Schedule 11

13 12

14 Program Status HCM 13

15 CORE-1080 Higher Ed Payroll Status: RED Convert Higher Ed agencies from the legacy payroll system to the PeopleSoft system. TASKStartFinish Configuration For Group A and B – 100% Complete07/01/201003/18/2011 Conversion Scripts – 95% complete07/01/201002/28/2011 Finish HR Interface Debugging/Testing 85% Complete07/01/201002/28/2011 Complete PY Interface Coding/Debugging/Testing (Integration Testing) 80% Complete 09/10/201003/31/2011 UAT for OU – Tentative04/25/201105/31/2011 OU Go-Live - Tentative06/08/2011 Addressing File Layout Questions, Reviewing Test Files, Starting System Testingf or OSU, Cameron, UCO (Group B) 3/21/114/29/11 Kick-Off Meeting with OUHSC, OUHSC-2, Rose State (Group C)3/24/11 Requires Awareness: OU go-live has been moved due to problems with extracts, program development (bugs), discovery of unknown issues needing resolutions, and the delayed timing receiving OU data files.. Issues with Innovative have been addressed. Plan is being re-baselined, - end of next week. New go-live dates are forthcoming. Key Activities Key Overall Issues 14

16 CORE – 2637 ELM Rollout 15 GREEN Status: GREEN Rollout of ELM to agencies to be completed in 3 groups. Group A - Career Tech (800), ODOT (345), OSEEGIB (516) - live 12/06/10 Group B - OPM (548), - live 01/31/11, State Dept of Health (340) – Live 3/1/11. Group C – OSF (090) & Rehab (805) – go-live est 04/30/2011 Working with DHS (830) – DCS (580) Extension Group Requires Awareness: DHS demos and Q&A sessions completed. All but two departments have voted for moving onto ELM. Waiting on Agency decision. DHS requested access to LMTST to start looking at layout, etc. DHS and Health are interested in additional functionality (Phase III to include Web Base Learning using SCORM/AD&D). DCS is considering another product instead of using ELM - We are in final stages of discussions addressing their needs and how ELM meets their needs. TaskStartEnd Group B is 100% Live on ELM03/15/2011 Group C - Train Agency SME’s on configuration and setup for testing04/05//2011 04/25/2011 Group C – Go Live - Tentative04/30/2011 Key Activities Key Overall Issues

17 Program Status Financials Phase II Modules 16

18 CORE - 2822 GREEN Status: GREEN Testing Vendor payments extract. Should meet 3/31/11 deadline. TASKStartFinish Launched with expenditures, funding, payroll, pcard and tax credits. 12/28/201002/08/2011 Vendor payments12/28/201003/31/2011 Build APIs to automate data integration.03/01/201104/15/2011 Requires Awareness: API training needs to be scheduled in order to meet the final deadline. Updates can be made manually until this can be done. Key Activities Key Overall Issues 17

19 CORE - 2675 Data Staging Environment RED Status: RED Resumed testing on Assets after FSTST2 refresh. Began development work on Projects tables again – to incorporate changes made by Ciber. TASKStartFinishODOT Access Phase I extracts (6) signed off by ODOT07/02/2010 Assets (0523)06/25/20104/30/2011TBD Billing (0512)TBD Contracts (0513)TBD Projects (0514) - will test along with roll-outTBD Sign-off on Phase II ModulesTBD Requires Awareness: Incorporating the remaining testing (projects, billing) with the ODOT project. Changes in ODOT custom tables requires changes to these programs. Created new project for Inventory & HCM (HR, payroll, time/labor) Key Activities Key Overall Issues

20 CORE – 2837 GPC AR/BI - Department of Mines 19 GREEN Status: GREEN Implement GPC AR/BI Functionality for the Department of Mines.. Requires Awareness: Project is dependent on Agency resource availability. Task%StartEnd Agency Configuration- Complete10002/01/201102/10/2011 Integration Testing5002/17/201103/15/2011 User Acceptance Testing03/16/201104/04/2011 Go Live04/11/2011 Key Activities Key Overall Issues

21 CORE – 2838 GPC AR BI Broadband 20 GREEN Status: GREEN Implement GPC AR/BI Functionality for the state wide Broadband project. Requires Awareness: Project is dependent on Agency resource availability. Running behind but go-live date is still planned. Task%StartEnd Agency Configuration- Complete10002/01/201102/10/2011 Integration Testing5002/24/201103/10/2011 User Acceptance Testing03/17/201103/31/2011 Go Live04/04/2011 Key Activities Key Overall Issues

22 CORE – 2860 GPC AR/BI - Water Resources Board 21 GREEN Status: GREEN Implement GPC AR/BI Functionality for the Water Resources Board. Requires Awareness: Agency has requested a go live date of 6/24 instead of 6/1 to coincide with fiscal year end. Task%StartEnd Agency Configuration- Complete10002/01/201102/10/2011 Integration Testing5003/10/201104/14/2011 User Acceptance Testing04/28/201105/17/2011 Go Live06/24/2011 Key Activities Key Overall Issues

23 CORE – 2599 GPC AR/BI ODOT GREEN Status: GREEN The Plan has been created. TASKStartFinish BPS / Fit Analysis01/05/201102/04/2011 Development of Plan02/07/200102/11/2011 Finalization of Plan02/14/200102/15/2011 Requires Awareness: Awaiting confirmation that ODOT Unit Testing will be complete for April 4 th and Sponsor approval. Key Activities Key Overall Issues 22

24 23 Business Application Services Program Status

25 Issues IssueStatus 1) The team and sponsors needs to gain a common understanding of how Grants, projects, and contracts will be rolled out. A document describing the Grants, Projects, Contracts rollout is being created. We will distribute and set up a meeting to discuss by the end of March 30, 2011. 2) Assets rollout is on hold until additional resources are made available. 24 3) Pay Cycle Conflict – The custom VFRA process sometimes causes pay cycle to abend when they run at the same time. We had a conference call with Oracle and it appears that voucher build should address our issues. A high level (+/- 50%) plan is being developed. Resource requirements include 75% SBAS FTE, 50% DCAR FTE and 1492 consultant hours. 4) The expense module has been purchased but resources are currently unavailable for the implementation. 5) Brenda would like someone from her staff involved in the approval (sign-off) process for SQL Requests. Not done yet. Need to modify the procedures to include DCAR staff.

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