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Enabling young people to explore their worlds Mick Stocks & Stuart Bray Project Africa a programme.

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Presentation on theme: "Enabling young people to explore their worlds Mick Stocks & Stuart Bray Project Africa a programme."— Presentation transcript:

1 enabling young people to explore their worlds Mick Stocks & Stuart Bray Project Africa a programme

2 enabling young people to explore their worlds Project Africa a programme to develop and support young people young people supporting young people

3 enabling young people to explore their worlds global awareness programme challenge badge sponsoring children supporting teachers Uganda 2011 & 2015

4 enabling young people to explore their worlds Global Awareness Programme online resources section programmes participants running section programmes

5 enabling young people to explore their worlds Challenge Badge section programmes photo evidence often supports fundraising but not a requirement

6 enabling young people to explore their worlds Sponsoring children Kavule School for the Deaf (Mbale) local Scout Group

7 enabling young people to explore their worlds Supporting teachers Bukeka Children’s Centre (Mityana)

8 enabling young people to explore their worlds Fundraising £45,000 (2011) £9,000 (teachers) over 3 years £29,000 (2015)

9 enabling young people to explore their worlds Community development projects needs a focus needs to be flexible

10 enabling young people to explore their worlds Project Africa an integrated community development programme young people supporting young people

11 enabling young people to explore their worlds Uganda 2011 & Uganda 2015 international community development projects

12 enabling young people to explore their worlds Uganda 2011 initial planning Unite (original TSA project) Building Brighter Futures UK-Uganda Scout Network Berkshire Scout Enterprises Ltd International Scout Active Support

13 enabling young people to explore their worlds Uganda 2011 scoping identify projects set fundraising target

14 enabling young people to explore their worlds Uganda 2011 recce/visit essential research relationship building builds confidence

15 enabling young people to explore their worlds Uganda 2011 event planning objectives management reporting risk assessment

16 enabling young people to explore their worlds Uganda 2011 expedition management model 3 key sites central team * * *

17 enabling young people to explore their worlds Uganda 2011 Mityana main building site living in community working with locals

18 enabling young people to explore their worlds Uganda 2011 Kavule variety of work manage expectations work with locals

19 enabling young people to explore their worlds Uganda 2011 activity programme mountain trekking Jinja activities activities with local Scouting

20 enabling young people to explore their worlds Uganda 2011 review and report back event debrief report to stakeholders

21 enabling young people to explore their worlds Uganda 2015 initial scope international interest simplified expedition model

22 enabling young people to explore their worlds Uganda 2015 progress and challenges use professional contacts changing risks

23 enabling young people to explore their worlds discussion topics... integrating international activities in the everyday programme helping our young people become aware of the lives of their peers in other countries what challenges still need to be overcome to support and/or organise international community projects

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