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Climate Change by Teoh Boon Tat Warabhorn Preechaporn Leong Chee Kin.

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Presentation on theme: "Climate Change by Teoh Boon Tat Warabhorn Preechaporn Leong Chee Kin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate Change by Teoh Boon Tat Warabhorn Preechaporn Leong Chee Kin

2 This project will provide insights into the following questions: What is climate change? Why does climate change happen? How climate change affects us? How do we reduce these changes? How do we adapt more harmoniously with this climate change?

3 Project Objectives To search, analyse, interpret and appreciative mathematical data to better understand climate changes and integrate its understanding into their lives so as to be able to adapt harmoniously with these changes. To implement some activities to disseminate their findings and insights to their immediate community and the community beyond to create better climate change awareness.

4 Roles Researchers  Causes  Impacts  Parameters for Emissions/survey Creator  Ice growth model  Emissions Calculator  Posters  Brochure Surveyor  Questionaire Investigator  How much is your Household Emissions?  What can we do to minimise CC? Environmental campaigners Expert Webmaster

5 Tools Websites- information Wiki-discussions Blogs-discussions Documents sharing (Google Documents) GPS MS Excel (Emission / Carbon calculator) Sharing of documents Facebook Posters / Exhibits

6 Products Discussions in Wiki / Blogs on Climate Change Report / Presentation on climate change impact on the Ice in Artic Model of Ice Growth Emissions Calculator Survey questionnaires Brochures Exhibits / Graphs Homepage / Facebook

7 Audience  Students and teachers  Community

8 Duration 2 months  2 hours per week

9 Assessment – Before Start of Project Questioning Project Rubric PowerPoint presentation Checklist Wiki Checklist Newsletter Checklist Brochures

10 Assessment – During Project Individual and Group Conferences from time to time Brochures – brochure scoring guide Personal Emission Calculator Survey forms Questioning - oral Reflection in the blog

11 Assessment – After The Project Slideshow Checklist Setting up a website using wiki - Wiki Checklist Newsletter - Newsletter Checklist Brochures – brochure checklist Essay Examination Final Project Rubric


13 References Carbon dioxide emissions calculator. Retrieved January 27, 2010, website:

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