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The CERN openlab for DataGrid Applications A Practical Channel for Collaboration François Fluckiger.

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Presentation on theme: "The CERN openlab for DataGrid Applications A Practical Channel for Collaboration François Fluckiger."— Presentation transcript:

1 The CERN openlab for DataGrid Applications A Practical Channel for Collaboration François Fluckiger

2 2 François Fluckiger DTI visit 28-30 June 2004 What is the openlab? n A framework for “R&D” in collaboration with Industry n Partner commitments n 3 years n Contributions may be a mix of n In kind (HW, SW, services, …) n In cash (in general for fellows) openlab framework n Contributor commitments n 1 year n Lower level

3 The CERN openlab vision Partner CERN Partner

4 Partners

5 5 François Fluckiger DTI visit 28-30 June 2004 What are we doing in the openlab? n Evaluate and Integrate cutting edge solutions n Current project: opencluster n IA-64 Compute farm (Intel + HP) n 10 Gb Ethernet (Enterasys + Intel) n Storage (IBM) n 10g servers (Oracle) n Infiniband (Voltaire, contributor) openlab framework opencluster project

6 The CERN opencluster Objectives Build an ultrahigh performance computer cluster Build an ultrahigh performance computer cluster Link it to the DataGrid and test its performance Link it to the DataGrid and test its performance Evaluate potential of future commodity technology for LCG Evaluate potential of future commodity technology for LCG

7 7 François Fluckiger DTI visit 28-30 June 2004 What is new with the openlab? n Is it really different from conventional n joint projects with industry? n field tests? n openlab is not a collection of disjoint bi-lateral evaluations n It implies n A common "agreement" framework n A common technical objective n An active collaboration between all parties

8 8 François Fluckiger DTI visit 28-30 June 2004 Management structures openlab Board of Sponsors CERN Industry Partners CERN Technical and Admin. Team Technical Liaison with CERN Core Management Unit Liaison with Industry Partner Organizational Liaison with CERN Liaison with Grid Projects EGEEEGEE LCGLCG

9 9 François Fluckiger DTI visit 28-30 June 2004 openlab integration n Efforts from increasing number of groups in IT department n openlab NOT an isolated R&D team n Technical people maintained in their natural environment n Provides better exposure of sponsor solutions n Collaboration with Physics Department

10 CERN openlab dissemination activities Thematic workshops: 2 days on technical focus area Thematic workshops: 2 days on technical focus area First Tuesday events: regional business community + webcast First Tuesday events: regional business community + webcast VIP visits: Contribute to promoting CERN’s Grid activities VIP visits: Contribute to promoting CERN’s Grid activities Grid café: website, stand (Telecom 2003) and Microcosm exhibit Grid café: website, stand (Telecom 2003) and Microcosm exhibit

11 11 Students from CH, DK, FI, NO, SE, UK, PO (BSc-MSc-PhD levels) 11 Students from CH, DK, FI, NO, SE, UK, PO (BSc-MSc-PhD levels) 3 Projects involving Athena, CMS and IT Division (EDG, LCG) 3 Projects involving Athena, CMS and IT Division (EDG, LCG) Co-funding from participating institutions (and Nordic Grid Facility) Co-funding from participating institutions (and Nordic Grid Facility) 2 months at CERN + company visits + pre- and post- visit projects 2 months at CERN + company visits + pre- and post- visit projects CERN openlab student program 2003

12 12 François Fluckiger DTI visit 28-30 June 2004 Framework and Project openlab: n an agreement framework to host projects n Current project: opencluster openlab framework opencluster project HPCN-centric project

13 13 François Fluckiger DTI visit 28-30 June 2004 New project under discussion “opengroup” openlab framework opencluster project opengroup project

14 14 François Fluckiger DTI visit 28-30 June 2004 opengroup project Object n Evaluate advanced technologies and devices for collaborative activities openlab framework opengroup project User-centric project

15 15 François Fluckiger DTI visit 28-30 June 2004 opengroup project Which collaborative activity? n Working (CSCW) (initial focus) n Learning (CSCL) Other key functionality n Presence and mobility User-centric project openlab framework opengroup project

16 16 François Fluckiger DTI visit 28-30 June 2004 Why we need work in the field n Collaborative tools off-the shelf for years n Unused except in close circles n Need to turn them into Universal services as are Web or mail Some base tools n People Unified location n Desktop services integration n Email, phone, instant messaging, shared applications n Unified messaging n Email, (video)phone calls integration n Internet video/telephony n Sharing services n Shared applications n Shared workspace / whiteboard n Shared calendars, action lists

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