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Prepared by: Mariz B. Gancia Angel Grace B. Hernaez Performance Assessment of Process and Product.

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2 Prepared by: Mariz B. Gancia Angel Grace B. Hernaez Performance Assessment of Process and Product

3 What is Performance Assessment of Process and Product?

4 Process A process usually involver a series of,steps to be followed.

5 Product A product involves an output usually a tangible one.

6 Performance assessment Is on the spot evaluation of a performance behaviour.

7 Samples of activities 1.Using tools & equipment, 2.Playing a musical instrument, 3.Dance movement, 4.Singing, 5.Working in a group, & 6.Oral report.

8 Steps in Preparing Performance Assessment

9 According to Greenland (2003) 1.Specify the performance outcomes. 2.Select the focus of the 3.Select an appropriate degree of realism. 4.Select the performance situation. 5. Select the method of observing, recording, and scoring.

10 Specify the Performance outcomes consist of behaviour and content. Behaviour – expressed as a verb. E. g. locate, select, touch, draw, design… Content - output of the learning process E.g. a bar graph, a treasure map, a dress…

11 Example of instructional objectives in the psychomotor domain appropriate statistical tool Select the appropriate statistical tool Behavior Content

12 Design a pattern for making a t – shirt Conduct an action research Make oral report Construct a table of specification

13 Select the focus of the Assessment Process (procedure), product, or some combination of both the process and the product

14 Guidelines to be Observed in Process 1.The steps involved in a certain process should be arranged in their correct sequence. 2.The procedure must be observable. 3.The observation of the correct sequencing of steps is necessary for another tasks to be performed.

15 4.The analysis of the steps involved in a process can be help improve a particular product. 5.Assessment of the process is used only when no product is possible as an output.

16 Guidelines to be Consider in Product 1.A variety of procedures may be employed to come up with an equally good and acceptable product. 2.The process is unavailable at the moment.

17 3.The procedure has already been mastered very well. 4.The resulting product possesses qualities or characteristics that can be identified and judged.

18 Selecting an Appropriate Degree of Realism DALE ‘S CONE OF EXPERIENCE The degree of realism can be illustrate using DALE ‘S CONE OF EXPERIENCE

19 Text Pictures or Audio only Video and/or multimedia Dramatization of live demonstration Simulation and role play Real- life experiences HIGH LOW DEGREE OF ABSRACTION

20 Examples of various degrees of REALISM Degree of Realism High Realism Situation Place the students in an actual bookstore where each student shows how to locate, select and pay for the books and real money.

21 Set up a mock bookstore where each student demonstrates how to locate, select, and pay for the book using real books and “ play money.’ Moderate realism

22 Select the Performance Situation 1.Paper – and – pencil performance 2.Identification test 3.Structured performance testStructured performance test 4.Simulated performance 5.Work samples - Gronlund (2003)

23 Standard in Judging Student Performance


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