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THOMAS COOK CRM STANDARDS ASSESSMENT Captain Karen Varney CRM Manager Thomas Cook Airlines UK.

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Presentation on theme: "THOMAS COOK CRM STANDARDS ASSESSMENT Captain Karen Varney CRM Manager Thomas Cook Airlines UK."— Presentation transcript:

1 THOMAS COOK CRM STANDARDS ASSESSMENT Captain Karen Varney CRM Manager Thomas Cook Airlines UK

2 WORKING GROUP Fleet Training Managers TRE/TRIs Line Trainers CRMIE and CRMI

3 CRM Assessment NPA 16 stated: The purpose of such an assessment is to: Provide feedback to the individual & serve to identify retraining and Be used to improve the CRM training system

4 OBJECTIVES To find an assessment system that is Useful Fair Objective

5 OBJECTIVES To fulfil CAA requirements To combine with the new Training Form

6 5 Categories Situational Awareness Communication Teamwork Task Management Problem Solving & Decision Making

7 CRM Standards Assessment Observable Actions (Behavioural Markers)

8 Situational Awareness Are aware of what the aircraft and its systems are doing Are aware of where the aircraft is and its environment Are able to identify threats to the safety of the aircraft and people Are able to recognise what is likely to happen, to plan and stay ahead of the game Develop “what if?” Scenarios and consider contingencies

9 Communication Know when to and with whom to speak Ensure the recipient is ready and able to receive the information Pass messages and information clearly, accurately, timely and adequately Check the other person has the correct understanding when receiving information Listen actively, patiently and demonstrate understanding when receiving information Ask relevant and effective questions Use appropriate body language, eye contact and tone Are open and receptive to other people’s views

10 Teamwork Agree and are clear on the team’s objectives and member’s roles Are friendly, enthusiastic and considerate of others Use initiative, give direction and take responsibility when required Are open and honest about thoughts, concerns and intentions Give and receive criticism and praise well Confidently do and say what is important to them Demonstrate respect and tolerance for other people Involve others in the planning and implementation of tasks

11 Task Management Are calm and relaxed Prioritise and schedule tasks effectively Use time efficiently when carrying out tasks Offer and accept assistance, and delegate where necessary Review, monitor and crosscheck actions conscientiously Follow procedures appropriately and consistently Only concentrate on one thing at a time and ensure tasks are completed

12 Problem Solving and Decision Making Identify and verify why things have gone wrong and do not jump to conclusions or make assumptions Seek accurate and adequate information from appropriate resources Persevere in working through a problem Use and agree an appropriate decision making process Agree essential and desirable criteria and prioritise Consider as many options as practicable Make decisions when they need to, not impulsively Consider risks but do not take unnecessary risks

13 Grading To cover both technical and non- technical skills 5 grades One Fail Four levels of pass

14 Grades 1 - Unsatisfactory The trainee did not reach the required standard for the assessed manoeuvre or skill. Retraining is required followed by further assessment. A grade 1 on any training form will mean that the check is only a partial pass, or fail. CRM observed performance had safety implications.

15 Grades 2 – Minimum Acceptable The trainee reached the minimum standard required for the assessed manoeuvre or skill or CRM. Grade 2 for skills is awarded when the trainee operates safely but shows some lack of knowledge or low skill in non-critical areas.

16 Grades 3 - Satisfactory The trainee flew manoeuvres smoothly and demonstrated skills that show knowledge of procedures to a satisfactory standard. The pilot demonstrated a satisfactory working knowledge of the principles of CRM.

17 Grades 4 – Good Manoeuvres were flown smoothly and with anticipation. Skills and knowledge of procedures were good with little criticism or corrective action necessary. CRM performance enhanced flight safety.

18 Grades 5 - Very Good Manoeuvres were flown smoothly and with very accurate speed and altitude control. Skills and knowledge of procedures did not require any criticism or corrective action. Demonstrated CRM skills that were truly noteworthy.


20 Further improvements To enable feedback To be flexible To adapt/change when necessary To be inclusive

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