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02/13/2009 RPG Wind Interconnection Survey Dan Woodfin Director, System Planning.

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Presentation on theme: "02/13/2009 RPG Wind Interconnection Survey Dan Woodfin Director, System Planning."— Presentation transcript:

1 02/13/2009 RPG Wind Interconnection Survey Dan Woodfin Director, System Planning

2 2 RPG02/13/2009 Survey History ERCOT sent survey to participants in PUCT Docket 33672 and the contacts for all generation interconnection requests that were in process as of August 2008 Survey Questions, for reference: I. For each wind generation plant about which you submitted financial commitment testimony in PUCT Docket 33672, please provide responses to the following questions: A. Is the status of the plant Operational (as of 8/1/2008) or Planned? B. If Operational, please provide the name of the resource and “Unit Code” listed on the ERCOT Generation Asset Registration Form. C. If Planned, have you submitted an ERCOT generation interconnection request? 1. If yes, provide the GINR number of any associated ERCOT interconnection request and the latest estimated capacity in MW of the plant. 2. If no, provide the expected installed capacity in MW, location, and planned operational date of the plant. D. Do you believe that the plant (operational or planned) is or will be located within one of the CREZs designated by the PUCT? 1. If yes, then provide the name of the CREZ in which the wind generation is or will be located. E. If you have any update to the status, likelihood or characteristics of the plant since your financial commitment testimony was prepared, please provide this information. II. For each current wind generation interconnection request in the ERCOT “queue” with an assigned GINR number, please reaffirm or update the expected MW and in-service date. 1. If you desire the in-service date to be dependent on the CREZ lines in the area being completed, rather than a particular date, please indicate this for each request. 2. Please explain if the GINR includes more than one “phase” with different planned in-service dates

3 3 RPG02/13/2009 Operational = 8,111IAs = 1,442 CREZ Nominated = 28,245 Pre-IA INRs =51,808 Operational, CREZ Nominated = 2,318 IA, CREZ Nominated = 581 INR In Process, CREZ Nominated =22,743 No INR, CREZ Nominated = 2,603 INR in Process, Not CREZ Nominated = 29,065 Operational and IAs Not CREZ Nominated = 6,654MW Compiled Results

4 4 RPG02/13/2009 Results, by expected in-service year

5 5 RPG02/13/2009 Current Non-Confidential Wind GINRs – MW by County Notes Circles are not centered on county Projects in multiple counties are shown in 1 st county listed in GINR

6 Questions?

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