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Demystifying Academic Appointments and Promotions Karen Freund MD MPH Chair, Appointments and Promotions Boston University School of Medicine FDDC September.

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Presentation on theme: "Demystifying Academic Appointments and Promotions Karen Freund MD MPH Chair, Appointments and Promotions Boston University School of Medicine FDDC September."— Presentation transcript:

1 Demystifying Academic Appointments and Promotions Karen Freund MD MPH Chair, Appointments and Promotions Boston University School of Medicine FDDC September 12, 2011

2 Goals of Today’s Seminar Review Criteria for Appointment and Promotion Describe the Process Where to find forms/ what do you need to prepare Discussion period

3 Academic Appointment Given for: “scholarship, productivity, achievement and excellence” Teaching Creation of new knowledge Developing your own niche or area clinical or administrative work contribute

4 What is Scholarship? Area you develop which is your own Writing Evidence of peer review Clearer in research – presentations / papers More difficult for educators or administrators – evidence that others using work you created

5 Academic Ranks Instructor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor 1 – 2 years At least 3 - 6 years At least 5 years BUSM has NO TENURE, NO CLOCK

6 Tracks and Prefixes Tracks Clinician Scholar/ Educator Clinician Scientist Basic Scientist Scientist Educator Prefixes Research – faculty without clinical responsibility and without leadership on research team Adjunct – primary appt at another university Clinical – Faculty off site

7 Assistant Professor evidence of prior scholarly activity, clear definition of career goals, expectation of future academic career advancement. Once at this level, focus on: developing areas of scholarly excellence individual identity.

8 Assistant Professor EducatorInvestigator scholarly activity Lectures to students/ residents Peer reviewed Publications MedEd Portal submission of a lecture Presentation at regional meeting Collaborate on manuscript Develop new curriculum

9 Associate Professor Evidence of scholarly achievements Individual Identity ( not with mentor on all publications ) Creation of new program mentoring and training recognition at regional and national level

10 Associate Professor EducatorInvestigator scholarly activity Develop a new program Peer reviewed Publications MedEd PortalPresentation at national meeting Mentor student/ resident who presents case Independent research funding Serve on panel at meeting

11 Professor Recognition as authority in one’s specific area of interest. Distinguished record of scholarship professional accomplishment recognized regionally, nationally, and internationally mentoring and training

12 Professor EducatorInvestigator scholarly activity On national education committee Invited professorships Write questions for boards Leadership position in national organization Write opinion article on area of expertise Demonstrate success of trainees in papers/ grants Develop new curriculum Independent research funding

13 What do I need to prepare? BU CV NIH Biosketch (for Scientist/ Clinical Investigator Track) Summary of Teaching and Service Responsibilities (1 – 2 pages) List of names of potential reviewers

14 Revise the CV shell to address your work Departmental and University Committees: Teaching Experience and Responsibilities: Mentoring Activities Major Administrative Responsibilities: Other Professional Activities: Professional Societies: Memberships, Offices, and Committee Assignments Editorial Boards: Major Committee Assignments: Federal Government Private/Foundation Study Sections State:

15 Revise the CV shell to address your work Departmental and University Committees: 2000 – 2010 Intern Selection Committee 2006Abstract Selection Committee, Evans Day Teaching Experience and Responsibilities: 2006 -ICM 1 2008 - ICM 2 2000 Ambulatory Precepting 4 residents/ 4 hours/ week 2010- Ambulatory Precepting 3-7 4 th year BUSM students annually Other Professional Activities: Professional Societies: Memberships, Offices, and Committee Assignments 2000-Academic Cardiology Society 2007, 2009Abstract Review Committee 2010Chair, Case Report Review Committee Major Committee Assignments: Private/Foundation 2006AHA New England Region Membership Committee State: 2003Mass DPH Committee to review Cholesterol Guidelines

16 Revise the CV shell to address your work Bibliography: Original, peer reviewed articles: Case Reports, Reviews, Chapters and Editorials Proceedings of Meetings & Invited Papers: Editorials and Critical Reviews Textbook Chapters: Case Reports: Textbooks & Monographs: Congressional Testimony:

17 New addition to CV Mentoring Activities: Major Mentoring Activities : 200?-200?Jane Doe, PhD, T32 trainee, signal transduction, now associate professor at XX University 200?-200?John Smith, M.D., K12 trainee, cardiovascular biology, now assistant professor at XX 200? – 200?Joe Garcia 1 st year medical student, summer research program, now resident at XXX 200? – 200? Lee Nyugen PhD candidate, on thesis committee, now post doc at XXX

18 Letters of recommendation Rank# TotalMinimum # from non BU Faculty Instructor30 Assistant Professor 30 Associate Professor 63 Professor64 Provide 1 – 2 additional names, to prevent waiting for 1 delayed letter

19 How to choose names to write letters of recommendation Letters of recommendation 50% “arm’s length”, at associate/ full Knows your discipline Does not need to know you You suggest names, but chair/ committees may ask for additional letters

20 Why does Promotion take so long? Prepare Paperwork Department A & P Review (Assoc/ Full) Letters Section/ Department Forms Department A & P Committee Dean’s A & P Committee Instructor/ Assist. Prof signed by Dean Assoc/ Full reviewed by BU Trustees

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