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Systems Solution Marketing Group Industrial Automation Business Headquarters Yokogawa Electric Corporation ISD-MASP-S05011 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric.

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1 Systems Solution Marketing Group Industrial Automation Business Headquarters Yokogawa Electric Corporation ISD-MASP-S05011 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation February 18, 2005 System Integration by SIOS December 6, 2015

2 ISD-MASP-S05011 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation February 18, 2005 Page 2 Other aspects of system integration Other system integration

3 ISD-MASP-S05011 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation February 18, 2005 Page 3 Current solutions for system integration FIO modules with subsystem communication software –To support Modbus RTU/TCP and other proprietary popular protocols GSGW (Generic Subsystem GateWay) station –The GSGW employs the standard OPC interface and serves as a platform to integrate the CS 3000 operation with subsystems. –Supports only data access Both solutions provide subsystem data integration

4 ISD-MASP-S05011 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation February 18, 2005 Page 4 System configuration with GSGW PRM GSGW ENG FCS HIS PLC OPC Server OPC-DA Field network

5 ISD-MASP-S05011 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation February 18, 2005 Page 5 Requirements for the current GSGW solution To support A&E Redundant configuration as standard To increase the data number Easy engineering –Converting tags from other systems into CENTUM format, without control logic configuration R3.06 provides a new system integration interface, SIOS (System Integration OPC client Station) SIOS is a large-volume, high-performance system integration station based on OPC.

6 ISD-MASP-S05011 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation February 18, 2005 Page 6 SIOS outline What benefit can be provided? –Tighter integration with other control systems. –Not only process data, but alarm and messages are also integrated. –Excellent integration tool for integration with competitors’ control systems. What is the positioning of SIOS? –Communication FIO modules are for subsystem interface by dedicated driver basis. –GSGW is a subsystem interface by OPC. –SIOS is used for system integration by OPC.

7 ISD-MASP-S05011 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation February 18, 2005 Page 7 What is different between GSGW and SIOS? FunctionsGSGWSIOS Data communication Data collectionAvailable Data settingAvailable Message handlingN/AAvailable Capacity4,000100,000 Function blockAvailableN/A Max. number of OPC servers DA416 A&EN/A16 RedundancyTokuchuStandard* *:Supports only Vnet/IP-based systems (future plan)

8 ISD-MASP-S05011 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation February 18, 2005 Page 8 SIOS specifications General specifications –Hardware platform: Generic PC with VI701/VF701 –OS: Windows 2003 server* or Windows XP professional SP2 –Software package: LBC2100 system integration OPC client package –OPC server OPC DA2.0 custom interface OPC A&E1.10 custom interface –Capacity 16 OPC servers/SIOS (DA:16, A&E:16) Data volume: 100,000 data/SIOS –Performance: approx. 4,000 data/sec. *: For server PC

9 ISD-MASP-S05011 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation February 18, 2005 Page 9 System configuration with SIOS PRM SIOS ENG FCS HIS OPC Server OPC-DA OPC-A&E Other Systems

10 ISD-MASP-S05011 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation February 18, 2005 Page 10 SIOS operation 1 Data access –Data exchange between CENTUM tags and OPC data by item ID. Message handling –A&E server alarm and event messages are converted into CENTUM messages for HIS. –SIOS’s own system alarms are transmitted to HIS. Status display –HIS monitors SIOS status and displays it on the system status window.

11 ISD-MASP-S05011 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation February 18, 2005 Page 11 SIOS operation 2 Data display on HIS windows –Process data via SIOS displays On the standard windows (graphics, trend*, tuning, face plate, process report and group displays). A special data display window for SIOS is newly designed. –A&E messages are displayed on the message monitor window (alarm and historical message). Message monitor window System configuration window

12 ISD-MASP-S05011 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation February 18, 2005 Page 12 SIOS operation 3 For digital data For character data Faceplate sample On SIOS, one OPC data is counted as one tag. –Each data type has special faceplate for monitoring. –OPC tag from SIOS counted as CS 3000’s tag. –OPC tag has one data with data status, and does not have other parameters such as SV,MV,HI,LO. For analogue data

13 ISD-MASP-S05011 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation February 18, 2005 Page 13 SIOS engineering 1 Data configuration for CENTUM –Data generation by browsing OPC data. –Data browsing displays data item names and A&E alarm filter definitions automatically. Scope of online loading –OPC server information –Group/data item definitions Data update cycle: 500 msec. by default –SIOS definitions (data cache size)

14 ISD-MASP-S05011 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation February 18, 2005 Page 14 SIOS engineering 2 Creating a SIOS SIOS definition DA Server definition OPC Group definition CENTUM tag definition Save & Load Creating a SIOS SIOS definition Acquiring OPC tag by OPC browse Defining tag by automatically Save & Load DA configuration by offline engineering Creating a SIOS SIOS definition A&E Server definition Message filter definition Save & Load A&E configuration DA configuration by online engineering

15 ISD-MASP-S05011 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation February 18, 2005 Page 15 SIOS engineering 3 Engineering procedure –Create SIOS on the System View. –Add OPC servers and set OPC server definition items. –Define data assignment. For CS 3000, auto data assignment can be done by OPC browse function and auto generation function. For other systems, manual data assignment and CSV data import function are provided. –Download the engineering data to SIOS.

16 ISD-MASP-S05011 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation February 18, 2005 Page 16 SIOS engineering 4 Automatic Generation dialog Main SIOS Engineering dialog A&E server DA server

17 ISD-MASP-S05011 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation February 18, 2005 Page 17 Future system configuration PRM ENG FFCS-L HIS OPC Server Redundant SIOS Note: Redundant SIOS will support only Vnet/IP and is a future plan. Other Systems

18 ISD-MASP-S05011 Copyright © Yokogawa Electric Corporation February 18, 2005 Page 18 GOOD SELLING!

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