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Basic Principles (continuation) 1. A Quantitative Measure of Information As we already have realized, when a statistical experiment has n eqiuprobable.

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Presentation on theme: "Basic Principles (continuation) 1. A Quantitative Measure of Information As we already have realized, when a statistical experiment has n eqiuprobable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Basic Principles (continuation) 1

2 A Quantitative Measure of Information As we already have realized, when a statistical experiment has n eqiuprobable outcomes, the average amount of information associated with an outcome is log n 2

3 A Quantitative Measure of Information Let us consider a source with a finite number of messages and their corresponding transmission probabilities The source selects at random each one of these messages. Successive selections are assumed to be statistically independent. P{x k } is the probability associated with the selection of message x k : 3

4 A Quantitative Measure of Information The amount of information associated with the transmission of message x k is defined as I k is called the amount of self-information of the message x k. The average information per message for the source is 4

5 A Quantitative Measure of Information If a source transmits two symbols 0 and 1 with equal probability then the average amount of information per symbol is If the two symbols were transmitted with probabilities α and 1- α then the average amount of information per symbol is 5

6 ENTROPY The average information per message I is also referred to as the entropy (or the communication entropy) of the source. It is usually denoted by the letter H. The entropy of a just considered simple source is ( p 1, p 2, …, p n ) refers to a discrete complete probability scheme. 6

7 Basic Concepts of Discrete Probability Elements of the Theory of Sets 7

8 Background Up to 1930s a common approach to the probability theory was to set up an experiment or a game to test some intuitive notions. This approach was very contradictory because it was not objective, being based on some subjective view. 8

9 Background Suppose, two persons, A and B, play a game of tossing a coin. The coin is thrown twice. If a head appears in at least one of the two throws, A wins; otherwise B wins. Solution? 9

10 Background The simplest intuitive approach leads to the 4 possible outcomes: (HH), (HT), (TH), (TT). It follows from this that chances of A to win are 3/4, since a head occurs in 3 out of 4 cases. However, the different reasoning also can be applied. If the outcome of the first throw is H, A wins, and there is no need to continue. Then only 3 possibilities need be considered: (H), (TH), (TT), and therefore the probability that A wins is 2/3. 10

11 Background This example shows that a good theory must be based on the axiomatic approach, which should not be contradictory. Axiomatic approach to the probability theory was developed in 1930s-1940s. The initial approach was formulated by A. Kolmogorov. To introduce the fundamental definitions of the theory of probability, the basic element of the theory of sets must first be introduced. 11

12 Sets The set, in mathematics, is any collection of objects of any nature specified according to a well-defined rule. Each object in a set is called an element (a member, a point). If x is an element of the set X, ( x belongs to X ) this is expressed by means that x does not belong to X 12

13 Sets Sets can be finite (the set of students in the class), infinite (the set of real numbers) or empty (null - a set of no elements). A set can be specified by either giving all its elements in braces (a small finite set) or stating the requirements for the elements belonging to the set. X={a, b, c, d} X={x}|x is a student taking the “Information theory” class 13

14 Sets is the set of integer numbers is the set of rational numbers is the set of real numbers is the set of complex numbers is an empty set is a set whose single element is an empty set 14

15 Sets What about a set of the roots of the equation The set of the real roots is empty: The set of the complex roots is, where i is an imaginary unity 15

16 Subsets When every element of a set A is at the same time an element of a set B then A is a subset of B (A is contained in B): For example, 16

17 Subsets The sets A and B are said to be equal if they consist of exactly the same elements. That is, For instance, let the set A consists of the roots of equation What about the relationships among A, B, C ? 17

18 Subsets 18

19 Universal Set A large set, which includes some useful in dealing with the specific problem smaller sets, is called the universal set (universe). It is usually denoted by U. For instance, in the previous example, the set of integer numbers can be naturally considered as the universal set. 19

20 Operations on Sets: Union Let U be a universal set of any arbitrary elements and contains all possible elements under consideration. The universal set may contain a number of subsets A, B, C, D, which individually are well-defined. The union (sum) of two sets A and B is the set of all those elements that belong to A or B or both: 20

21 Operations on Sets: Union Important property: 21

22 Operations on Sets: Intersection The intersection (product) of two sets A and B is the set of all those elements that belong to both A and B (that are common for these sets): When the sets A and B are said to be mutually exclusive. 22

23 Operations on Sets: Intersection Important property: 23

24 Operations on Sets: Difference The difference of two sets B and A (the difference of the set A relative to the set B ) is the set of all those elements that belong to the set B but do not belong to the set A: 24

25 Operations on Sets: Complement The complement (negation) of any set A is the set A’ ( ) containing all elements of the universe that are not elements of A. 25

26 Algebra of Sets Let A, B, and C be subsets of a universal set U. Then the following laws hold. Commutative Laws: Associative Laws: Distributive Laws: 26

27 Algebra of Sets Complementary: Difference Laws: 27

28 Algebra of Sets De Morgan’s Law (Dualization): Involution Law: Idempotent Law: For any set A: 28

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