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© 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved Level :Tier2 Channel connect 4 search.

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1 © 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved Level :Tier2 Channel connect 4 search

2 © 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved ▸ Introducing the search solution. ▸ Explanation on search engines. ▸ How do we track? ▸ Parameters in the tracking URL. ▸ Tracking different SE. ▸ Setting CC4S campaign ▸ Running jobs from Admin ▸ API ▸ Review chosen cases Agenda

3 © 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved Search solution Solution – Eyeblaster track the search campaign, so when landing on the ADV page we know the user path to conversion. providing a centralized place for search and display de-duplicated data, with the flexibility of working with any large SE and any SEM tool. For example: SE Report contribute conversion to the ad word Click on ad word Conversion Display ad Go to Adv page Go to SE Display vendor contribute conversion to display ad

4 © 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved When user click a tracked Adword: So we track the clicks to be able to count conversions! Directed to bs server Server set the user cookie with info about the clicking adword (not impression) Server redirect to the landing page (or other SEM which will direct to the LP) When user land on Adv page, activity is fired, bs.server read the user cookie and set a log with the entire path to conversion (DWH- ActivityLogArch) We know the user clicked and we know the user converted! All reports data is retrieved from SE (including imp/click, rank) once a day.

5 © 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved Search Engines - Hierarchy Search Account SE Campaign SE campaign Ad GroupAd group Creative Ad Word Creative Ad word Keyword Google Yahoo Bing GoogleYahooBing

6 © 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved How to set search campaign ▸ Create campaign ▸ Set the budget ▸ Set the targeting (in the globe) ▸ Create ad groups and their creative ▸ Set destination URL for the creative ▸ Set keywords and their target URL (KW overright Creative)

7 © 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved How do we track? 1.Download keywords, creative & destination URL 2.Save the SE Keyword, creative, account, campaign details in DB 3.Uploaded tracked url with set of parameters to allow us set the user cookie. 4.Can be found in DB under: CCSearchCampaigns CCSearchAdGroups CCSearchAdvertiserAccounts ▸ Before : ▸ After : http://bs.serving- w={ifsearch:5526594}{ifcontent:5526593}&advid=36517&ebag=1131 18&sead={creative}&ccsurl=$$$$http://bs.serving- w={ifsearch:5526594}{ifcontent:5526593}&advid=36517&ebag=1131 18&sead={creative}&ccsurl=$$$$

8 © 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved Tracked URL parameters ▸ http://bs.serving- w={ifsearch:5526594}{ifcontent:5526593}&advid=36517&ebag=1131 18&sead={creative}&ccsurl=$$$$ http://bs.serving- w={ifsearch:5526594}{ifcontent:5526593}&advid=36517&ebag=1131 18&sead={creative}&ccsurl=$$$$ ▸ Cn=ccs - indication for the server ▸ ebcmp – eyeblaster se campaign id ▸ Ebkw - EB keyword id (depend if from search /content campaign) ▸ Advid - eyeblaster advertiser id ▸ Ebag - EB Search Ad Group ID ▸ Sead = Search engine Creative id ▸ Ccsurl= destination url

9 © 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved Tracking Google campaign 1.provides a mandatory destination url in the ad level and an optional destination url in the keyword level 2.Key word level overrides the ad level url. 3.We cannot Change the ad level destination url Therefore, we track the keyword level, every KW even ones that does not have a destination url defined. ▸ Before changing urls for a specific ad group we must first acquire a default url for that ad group. ▸ The default url will simply be the url of the first ad in the group that is in an enabled status.

10 © 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved Tracking Google campaign ▸ After acquiring a default url the url of all keywords in the adgroup will be changed using the following logic: 1.In case the keyword has a destination url defined:[hard coded eyeblaster ad group id]&sead={creative}&sekw=[hard coded search engine keyword id]&ccsurl={hard coded destination url} 2. In case the keyword does not have a destination url defined, the new url will be:[hard coded eyeblaster ad group id]&sead={creative}&sekw=[hard coded search engine keyword id]&ccsdurl={hard coded default url}

11 © 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved Tracking Yahoo campaign 1.provides a mandatory destination url in the ad level and an optional destination url in the keyword level 2.Key word level overrides the ad level url. 3.Yahoo allows us to change both the keyword data and the ad data. Therefore, we will always track the ad level, and will track the keyword level only if that url is not empty. ▸ The destination urls for both keywords (with or without dest URL) ▸[hard coded eyeblaster ad group id]&sekw={YSMKWID}&ccsurl={hard coded destination url}

12 © 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved Tracking Bing ▸ On MSN we track the creative level only ▸ Microsoft ads: ▸ http://bs.serving-[EBCampaign ID]&sekw={OrderItemId}&ccsacc=[EB Account ID]&ccsurl=$$[Destination Url]$$ http://bs.serving-[EB

13 © 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved Creating a New Search Account 1. Select the desired advertiser. 2. Select brand 3. Select the desired Search Engine. 4. insert the account details (differ between SE) 5. Click ad account – retrive info only, not tracking yet

14 © 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved Creating a New Search Account Account raw data - no tracking yet

15 © 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved Tracking Campaigns Select the desired campaign and Click Track. API connection established based on the login details. Every hour we check for updates. can edit the interval setting in account settings, or manulay track. Reports data will be retrieved once a day.

16 © 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved Running jobs ▸ Delete: untrack all tracked campaigns, remove account from the list. ▸ Disable Account: untrack all tracked camaigns and change Account status disabled, account update will not perform. ▸ Enable Account: Account update will perform according to interval. ▸ Refresh account – track all campaigns ▸ Refresh campaign – track campaign

17 © 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved API Connection - Tracking ▸ Execute by interval definition.(can set 1-24 ) ▸ ensure that all of the ads, keywords and ad groups of the campaign are contained in the eyeblaster database and will modify all of the urls to point to the eyeblaster servers. ▸ If finds new keywords – will track them. ▸ Account & campaign status change to ▸ Can run Manually by 'refresh search engine data' ▸ Do not bring data for reports.

18 © 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved API Connection – Data for reports ▸ loop all of the non-deleted and non-disabled accounts and call the api function ReadDailyReportToDB ▸ retrieve the daily keyword report for the account and will insert it to the database. ▸ Takes 6 days data backward – making sure data is stable. ▸ When adding new campaign – we take 1 day back, than 2 days back ….until 6days back data. ▸ We charges only since campaign started tracking.

19 © 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved ▸ CAS-22787-4W97GK ▸ Account trying to track a new search campaign in Google via CC4S and they have 3 campaigns totals under this Google account. 2 of 3 campaigns are tracked but one is receiving an error. ▸ No point to check logins. ▸ Check if campaign is tracked with error, or untracked with error. ▸ Log to the SE and verify it is tracked. ▸ Remember that when we can not refresh the campaign – we set it in error status, until next refresh. Refresh can fail on temporary SE problem, and will success in next refresh. ▸ Make manual refresh (ask client approval). CC4S cases – steps for solution

20 © 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved ▸ Can not connect yahoo account, logins are correct ▸ Log to the account, verify user permission (should be campaign manager) ▸ Update the user permission if necessary ▸ Track again. ▸ Remember, we need permission that will allow us: Get campaign list, edit keywords & creative, get reports. CAS-14209-L5V946

21 © 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved ▸ MSN search accout is with status error, the logins are correct ▸ Although logins are correct we can not track the campaign ▸ Reason - The account has identical ads (ads that have the exact same title, text, display URL and destination URL) in one of its ad groups. ▸ Ask R&D if they get any alert fot this campaign,and if they get similar ads alerts. ▸ Due to a bug in the Microsoft AdCenter API we are not able to modify the URLs of ads in such ad groups and we are therefore unable to track this ad group. ▸ Solution- the client has to edit those ads using the UI and make sure that there are no identical ads in that ad group. CAS-14805-K80ZVZ

22 © 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved Ori© Case – Account appear with status :ERROR Reason - the system was trying to establish the API with wrong login details. The Google system blocked the account due to "excessive failed logins" Solution – contact the client and ask them to unlock the account using the URL:

23 © 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved Details in SR ▸ Always supply- Account id, Campaign name, Advertiser & eyeblaster account, Username & password to Search engine - can be found in BDB: CCSearchAdvertiserAccounts ▸ For Error cases -Eliminate all possibilities for incorrect, insufficient logins. ▸ Eliminate MSN similar ads issue. ▸ For tracking issues - Make sure campaigns are tracked correctly and there are no blanks. ▸ Supply example for url from creative and keyword level. ▸ Reports - Supply reports from SE and analytics, and indicate if they are not similar.

24 © 2010 MediaMind Technologies Inc. | All rights reserved Thank You

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