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Water Liquid Gold. Problems Dry Land –Much of the M.E. and N. Africa are covered with desert. Sahara, Rub Al Khali, and part of Iran and Afghanistan are.

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Presentation on theme: "Water Liquid Gold. Problems Dry Land –Much of the M.E. and N. Africa are covered with desert. Sahara, Rub Al Khali, and part of Iran and Afghanistan are."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water Liquid Gold

2 Problems Dry Land –Much of the M.E. and N. Africa are covered with desert. Sahara, Rub Al Khali, and part of Iran and Afghanistan are also desert. Drought Conditions –In the 1990’s severe droughts began and rainfall in the M.E. fell to less than 10% Population Growth –M.E. countries are experiencing population growth –Growth rates average 2.5% –Egypt’s population had grown by 1 million people –20% of land with more than 10% of population and 2% fresh water.

3 Problems Continued Agriculture –Agricultural use of water is enormous –In Jordan, farming makes up less than 10% of GDP, but uses 80% of the water Pollution –Poor water quality is a result of development and agriculture –Septic tank leaks, run off from livestock and pesticides, oil and gas drilling –Tigris, Nile, and Euphrates are polluted

4 Jordan, Euphrates, and Tigris are getting smaller

5 Solutions Desalination –Removes salt from seawater –Heated, steamed, then cooled –Expensive and uses a lot of energy Treated Wastewater –Some treat wastewater multiple times –Used for crops –People fear conatmination Imports –Pipelines built for water distribution –Countries must work together to maintain pipelines

6 Solutions Continued Alternative Water Sources –Storing rainwater, capture winter thaws, importing water tankers, cloud seeding Conservation –Bedouins live on 4-5 liters of water per day –Gulf states are among the highest users in the world

7 How does access to water effect the population? What areas have the highest population? –Along river valleys –Turkey –And where the aquifers are located What areas have the least population? –The driest areas- Central Yemen, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Egypt outside of the Nile.

8 Did you know… One billion people lack access to clean water. Nearly half of the world’s population will live in water-stressed areas by 2025. Many say that the next war fought in the Middle East will be over water, not oil.

9 Why isn’t desalination a quick fix? Desalination Plants are very expensive to build Countries like Yemen and Jordan cannot afford to build them.

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