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 Re-cap yesterday’s mosque debate  What was the debate about?  What were the two sides of the debate?  What is Islam? What is Islam?

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Presentation on theme: " Re-cap yesterday’s mosque debate  What was the debate about?  What were the two sides of the debate?  What is Islam? What is Islam?"— Presentation transcript:


2  Re-cap yesterday’s mosque debate  What was the debate about?  What were the two sides of the debate?  What is Islam? What is Islam?

3  Emergence of Islam  Teachings of Islam  Achievements in the Muslim World

4  Arabian Peninsula (Southwestern Asia)  Today this area is known as Saudi Arabia

5  What do you see?  Sandstorms  Mostly desert  People settle mostly at or near an oasis

6  Muhammad  Born in 570 B.C.E. in Mecca (site of Hajj today)  At about 40 years old, begins to experience visions  Becomes the prophet of Islam Message:  “Recite!” “One True God” Allah

7  Not everyone listened to Muhammad  Mecca at this time was a commercial center  Merchants live off of people coming to pray to the traditional gods and idols  Why do you think merchants would have a problem with Muhammad’s teachings?  Faced with threats of murder, Muhammad and followers leave Mecca for Yathrib  This journey is known as the hijra

8  Arabian Peninsula at this time  Clan-based society  Worship Gods and idols  Monotheism  Very new to area  Threatened society

9  The Quran  Sacred word of God (through Muhammad)  In Arabic, it is the direct and un- changeable word of God  All followers learn Arabic  How do you think this has helped unite Muslims from different places?  Ethical teachings  Honesty, generosity, social justice  Complete guide to living a good life  Final authority on all matters

10  Monotheism was not new to everyone  Judaism and Christianity = the People of the Book Shared beliefs: One God Adam and Eve Abraham Word of God Differences: Torah and Bible only partial revelation God has no son  Muhammad taught tolerance  In general, People of the Book enjoy religious freedom

11  Five pillars of Islam are the foundation of Muslim faith  Just as video showed, not all Muslims know all 5 1. Shahadah (The Testimony of Faith)  What is a testimony? What does it mean to testify in court?  “la ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadun rasoolu Allah.”  These are the only words you have to say with conviction to become Muslim  There is no God besides Allah  None has the right to be worshipped besides him  God has no partner  God has no son

12 2. Salah (Prayer)  Pray five times a day  As many as you can – some more, some less  This brings a direct link between the worshipper and Allah. 3. Zakat (Charity)  Give as much as you can  Give of yourself through good deeds

13 4. Saum (Fasting)  During the month of Ramadan all Muslims fast from sunrise until sunset abstaining from food and drink 5. Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca)Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca)  Travel to Mecca at one time in your life if you can

14 What do you see?

15  Trade  Art and Humanities  Literature and Writing  Mathematics  Music  Science and Medicine

16  Trade was an integral part of the Muslim world  Merchants were honored  Muhammad was a merchant  Trade Spreads products and technology  Manufacturing  Artisans produce wealth of fine goods  Guess what?! Trade = Peace and Prosperity = Innovation

17  Trade expands  Camel caravans “ships of the desert”  Travel the Silk Road

18  Many works of art are rich in history and beauty  Interwoven with beautiful stories One Thousand Arabian Nights Late one night I was suddenly awakened by a rustling noise outside my window. Through a space in the blinds, I saw a large rectangular carpet hovering above the willow tree. I opened the window, and the carpet … What does this remind you of?

19  Mosques  Minarets

20  Astronomy  Navigation  Pharmacology  Anatomy  Medical Practices

21  Arabic  Importance to faith  Poetry  Calligraphy  Largest library of time-Baghdad  Knowledge

22  Arabic Numerals  Pioneered the study of algebra  Geometry is vital to Muslim culture

23  New instruments  Dancing  Important for prayer services  Songs tell tales and religious teachings

24  Museum Exhibit  Achievements in the Muslim World  Pick 1 category you are interested in  Sign up TODAY  Research tomorrow and Friday  DUE Tuesday, November 30 th  Tuesday after Thanksgiving Break

25  Museum Exhibit  Requirements:  One artifact from the Muslim world  One paragraph describing the what, where, when, who, how and WHY  WHY question is most important (and is your reflection):  Why was your artifact important in history?  Why is your artifact important in our world today?  Museum Exhibit Day Wednesday, December 1





30  Museum Exhibit  Achievements in the Muslim World  Pick 1 category you are interested in  Sign up TODAY  Research tomorrow and Friday  DUE Tuesday, November 30 th  Tuesday after Thanksgiving Break

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