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Asthma A Presentation on Asthma Management and Prevention.

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1 Asthma A Presentation on Asthma Management and Prevention

2 What is Asthma?  Question #1 Symptoms of Asthma include: A. Wheezing B. Breathlessness C. Chest tightness D. Nighttime or early morning coughing E.All of the above Poll : Result :

3 What is Asthma?  Chronic disease of the airways that may cause  Wheezing  Breathlessness  Chest tightness  Nighttime or early morning coughing  Episodes are usually associated with widespread, but variable, airflow obstruction within the lung that is often reversible either spontaneously or with treatment.

4 Pathology of Asthma Source: “What You and Your Family Can Do About Asthma” by the Global Initiative For Asthma Created and funded by NIH/NHLBI, 1995 Normal Asthma Asthma involves inflammation of the airways

5 Asthma Prevalence in the United States National Center for Environmental Health Division of Environmental Hazards and Health Effects June 2014

6 Prevalence of Asthma?  Question #2 How many people in the US are affected with Asthma: A. 1 million B. 5 million C. 10 million D. 25 million E. 50 million Poll : Result:

7 Introduction Asthma:  affects 25.7 million people, including 7.0 million children under 18;  is a significant health and economic burden to patients, their families, and society:  In 2010, 1.8 million people visited an ED for asthma-related care and 439,000 people were hospitalized because of asthma

8 Total number of persons Percent Current Asthma Prevalence: United States, 2001-2010 One in 12 people (about 26 million, or 8% of the U.S. population) had asthma in 2010, compared with 1 in 14 (about 20 million, or 7%) in 2001. Year

9 Risk Factors for Developing Asthma  Genetic characteristics  Occupational exposures  Environmental exposures

10 Prevalence of Asthma?  Question #3 Which of the following are triggers for asthma? A. Dust Mites B. Tobacco Smoke C. Cockroaches D. Mold E. All of the above Poll: Result:

11 Risk Factors for Developing Asthma: Genetic Characteristics Atopy  The body’s predisposition to develop an antibody called immunoglobulin E (IgE) in response to exposure to environmental allergens  Can be measured in the blood  Includes allergic rhinitis, asthma, hay fever, and eczema

12 Reducing Exposure to House Dust Mites  Use bedding encasements  Wash bed linens weekly  Avoid down fillings  Limit stuffed animals to those that can be washed  Reduce humidity level (between 30% and 50% relative humidity per EPR-3) Source: “What You and Your Family Can Do About Asthma” by the Global Initiative For Asthma Created and funded by NIH/NHLBI, 1995

13 Reducing Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke Evidence suggests an association between environmental tobacco smoke exposure and exacerbations of asthma among school-aged, older children, and adults. Evidence shows an association between environmental tobacco smoke exposure and asthma development among pre-school aged children.

14 Reducing Exposure to Cockroaches Remove as many water and food sources as possible to avoid cockroaches.

15 Reducing Exposure to Pets  People who are allergic to pets should not have them in the house.  At a minimum, do not allow pets in the bedroom.

16 Reducing Exposure to Mold Eliminating mold and the moist conditions that permit mold growth may help prevent asthma exacerbations.

17 Other Asthma Triggers  Air pollution  Trees, grass, and weed pollen

18 Medications to Treat Asthma: Quick-Relief  Used in acute episodes  Generally short- acting beta 2 agonists

19 Medications to Treat Asthma: Nebulizer  Machine produces a mist of the medication  Used for small children or for severe asthma episodes  No evidence that it is more effective than an inhaler used with a spacer

20 Managing Asthma: Sample Asthma Action Plan Describes medicines to use and actions to take National Heart, Blood, and Lung Institute Expert Panel Report 3 (EPR 3): Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma. NIH Publication no. 08-4051, 2007.

21 Managing Asthma: Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF) Meters  Allows patient to assess status of his/her asthma  Persons who use peak flow meters should do so frequently  Many physicians require for all severe patients

22 1. Management & Support Systems Family/Community Involvement Physical Education Nutrition Services Healthy School Environment Health Promotion For Staff Health Education Health Services Counseling, Psychological, and Social Services 4. Healthy School Environment 2. Health & Mental Health Services 3. Asthma Education 6. School, Family, & Community Efforts 5. Physical Education & Activity


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