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Endangered Gray Bat By. Jordan Byrd.

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Presentation on theme: "Endangered Gray Bat By. Jordan Byrd."— Presentation transcript:

1 Endangered Gray Bat By. Jordan Byrd

2 Gray Bat’s Habitat and Range
Gray Bats roost in caves from Alabama, to Arkansas, to Kentucky, to Missouri, to Tennessee, to Oklahoma.

3 The Gray Bats taxonomy The Kingdom is a Animalia, the class is a mammalia, the order is a chiroptera, the family is a vespertilionidea.

4 Picture of the Gray Bat

5 Reasons of endangerment of the Gray Bat
Its endangerment is because of human disturbances in roosting caves. It is threatened by pesticides. It has loss of habitat due to flooding by man , and improper gating of caves.

6 What Is Being Done To Protect The Animal?
Acquiring and protecting the caves Controlling habitat destruction Educating the public about the danger of human disturbance to the bat and about the ecological importance of the Gray Bat

7 Interesting Facts The Gray Bat is the only flying mammal.
If you wake a Gray Bat while it is hibernating, it will lose stored energy and can die. It spends most of its life hanging upside down.

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