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Video Case 1: Burton Snowboards Recognizing a Business Opportunity Why did it fail in the beginning? What really is their product?* How do they develop.

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Presentation on theme: "Video Case 1: Burton Snowboards Recognizing a Business Opportunity Why did it fail in the beginning? What really is their product?* How do they develop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Video Case 1: Burton Snowboards Recognizing a Business Opportunity Why did it fail in the beginning? What really is their product?* How do they develop a new product? Idea of subculture* (cf. HOG) Marketing Mix for Burton Snowboard A Key Question for the future of Burton

2 Subculture & Customer Loyalty Definition: A group of people with shared value system based on common life experiences and situations Examples How do you make customer loyal? –Two Routes

3 Can Electronics Stores Survive? (WSJ): 1.Where do you shop for electronic gadgets? 2.Losers and Winners 3.What Losers are Doing 1.Best Buy: High end products, support, and smaller stores 2.GameStop: used gadgets 3.Radioshack: mobile devices sales (iPhone*) 4.Is there a future for those losers?

4 Avoiding Innovation’s Terrible Toll (WSJ): 1.“Average large firms do not live as long as ordinary Americans”  Why do some firms die early, while others survive and prosper? 2.How can large companies innovate quickly enough? 1.Ruthless about change: cannibalize yourself! (change from inside) 2.Make frequent acquisitions (change from outside) 3.Luck and timing! 3.Losers: bureaucratic, play defensive, and slow 4.Examples: IBM* versus HP; Apple versus Kodak Does a leader matter? Apple the cannibal? 5.Recommended Reading: Lou Gerstner; Innovator’s dilemma

5 Apple Drives Comeback of Retail Computer Store (WP): 1.Dell and the direct-to-consumer model  demise of offline channel? 2.Enter Apple* 1.Question: Why does Apple store succeed but Gateway Country Store bombed? 3.Follower: Microsoft  Will it succeed? 4.Bad news for Amazon 5.Reality: Only 7% of total retail sales are through online.

6 Cellphones are eating the family budget (WSJ) 1.Household spending on restaurants, apparels, and movies. 2.Household spending on cellphones. 3.Why? 4.What would you do if…?

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