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Major Rivers in Tennessee

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1 Major Rivers in Tennessee
Traci Spencer

2 Content Area: Social Studies
Grade Level: 2nd Summary: The purpose of this power point is to give the students the ability to learn about the rivers in Tennessee. Learning Objective: Given a map students will be able to locate and identify the rivers in Tennessee with 95% accuracy. Content Standard: Geography Locate major cities, bodies of water, mountain ranges and rivers in the United States. Accomplishment: Identify the major rivers in Tennessee.

3 Question? What is the definition of a river?
Go to this website to find out what they have defined as a river as. It is important that we know what a river is so that we can correctly name and identify rivers later on.

4 Opening Questions How many rivers are in the state of Tennessee?
How many major rivers are in Tennessee, and what are the names of the major rivers?

5 Major Rivers There are 33 rivers in Tennessee.
Only three of the rivers are thought to be major river systems. The names of the major rivers are the Mississippi, Tennessee, and Cumberland River.

6 Facts Go to the website below and click on the name of each major river in Tennessee to find out some facts about each river. Be sure to write one sentence about each river.

7 Think-Pair-Share After you have written one fact about each major river, then pair with a person beside you and share the fact that you got about each river with your partner. After the 1st person has shared his or her facts allow your partner to share their facts.

8 Facts Go to this website and write down as many facts about Tennessee’s 3 major river systems as you can find.

9 Note Check Compare your notes with a partner.
Summarize the most important points If there are some facts that your partner got that you didn’t, you might want to right them down.

10 Video Go to this website and watch the video about how the Tennessee River went from being a problem to creating many jobs for people. Be sure to take write down things you might want to share with the class or a partner that you got from the video.

11 Focused Listening After watching the video, on a piece of paper write down the problems the people were having with the Tennessee River. Then write down how the Tennessee Valley Authority helped solve the problem.

12 Questions? Does anybody have any questions about the material covered today?

13 Summary In this lesson students have learned how many rivers are in the state of Tennessee, and how many rivers are considered to be major river systems. Students also have learned the names of the 3 major rivers and where they are located in Tennessee. Students have also learned specific facts about each major river. They have also learned how problems occurred with the Tennessee River and what was done to fix the problem.

14 Work Cited

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