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Civics Ch 5 Citizens & the Community. Section 1 Responsibilities & Duties –What’s the difference?

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Presentation on theme: "Civics Ch 5 Citizens & the Community. Section 1 Responsibilities & Duties –What’s the difference?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Civics Ch 5 Citizens & the Community

2 Section 1 Responsibilities & Duties –What’s the difference?

3 Responsibilities are something we SHOULD do. Duties are something we MUST do. What about obeying laws? Is it a responsibility or duty?

4 That’s right! It’s a duty! Taxes- Write down 3 reasons paying taxes is necessary & important. (you may discuss this with the person next to you)

5 TAXES are important because… The draft- what is it? Every male between the ages of 18-25 must register with the govt. in case the country needs them for military service. Jury duty- you must serve unless you have good reason. It is very interesting- but pays very little

6 Go to school It’s required that all children attend school until they are 16 years of age. Be informed- read the news online, newspaper, and watch the news. Know what's going on in your community. Speak up & vote- it’s your right!

7 Respect diversity Be TOLERANT of others. Meaning everyone is different- so RESPECT others even if they are different from you. Find something positive about someone who is different than you. It will help you appreciate how DIVERSE this world is!

8 Volunteer work It’s important to give back to your community We are going to volunteer in this class. Bring in a new or GENTLY used Teddy Bear to give to a children’s hospital or children’s shelter. Due date will be Sept. 30 th, 2008

9 Other ideas- Volunteering At this time I want you with one other person to think about volunteer work. What are the benefits to volunteering? What other type of ways could you and your friends lend a helping hand in this community? Draw a picture of a way you could share with other students in this school to volunteer in Daphne. Title your poster “Volunteer Daphne”

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