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IfS crisis preparedness component Draft Annual Action Programme 2013 Genoveva Ruiz Calavera Head of Unit, FPI.2 Brussels, 6 December 2012.

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1 IfS crisis preparedness component Draft Annual Action Programme 2013 Genoveva Ruiz Calavera Head of Unit, FPI.2 Brussels, 6 December 2012

2 PbP within IfS Budget 2007-2013 (thousand EUR) IfS Article 2007-20102011201220132007-2013 Final budg PerspectiveTOTALS% on the total Art.3481,184 188,900210,800217,717 1255,08470% Art. 4.340,000 14,00022,00024,000 100,0005% Sub total Art.3 + Art.4.3521,184202,900232,800241,7171355,08475% Art. 4.2125,540 49,00046,30050,000 270,54015% Art. 4.155,013 30,00022,00031,479 144,0137% BA Line24,109 8,2888,1449,100 52,3633% TOTAL IfS725,846290,188309,244332,2961822,000100% IfS budget annual increase in %+6.56%+7.45% PbP budget annual increase in %+57.14%+9.09%

3 AAP Overview  In line with the Strategy Paper and Multi-annual Indicative Programme 2012-2013 adopted in March/August 2012  The 2013 budget for peacebuilding actions has increased from last year (from €22 Million to €24 Million)  Implementing partners are:  Non-state Actors  International, regional and sub-regional organizations  Member states bodies  It is currently scheduled for adoption in March 2013

4 AAP Overview  The AAP 2013 has 4 thematic components:  Non-State Actors Capacity Building, Dialogue and Mediation  Promoting Early Warning Capabilities  Natural Resources and Conflict  Peacebuilding and Fragility

5 Component 1 Non-State Actors Capacity Building, Dialogue and Mediation  AF1: Support to in-country actors to prevent and respond to crisis in fragile and conflict- affected situations.

6 Component 1  AF2: Continued support to the Civil Society Dialogue Network – CSDN II.  AF3: Provision of European Resources for Mediation Support – ERMES.

7 Promoting Early Warning Capabilities  AF4: Continued Support to Regional and Sub-Regional Partners in Crisis Response. Component 2

8 Component 3 Natural Resources and Conflicts  AF5: Support to the implementation of the ICGLR (International Conference for the Great Lakes) Regional Initiative on Natural Resources to address the linkages between natural resources and fragility in the African Great Lakes region.  AF6: Promoting transparency of the minerals supply chains in conflict-affected and high-risks areas building on the OECD Initiative on Due Diligence for Responsible Mineral Trade.

9 Peace-building and Fragility  AF7: Support to the New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States through the International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding – IDPS.  AF8: Promoting job creation and private sector involvement in fragile or conflict- affected states. Component 4



12 Genoveva Ruiz Calavera Service for Foreign Policy Instruments Instrument for Stability and Foreign Policy Regulatory Instruments +32 (0)2 29 50793 

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