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Goal five By: Cody Godwin. Debate Argument used to express a persons ideas on a certain subject or political issue.

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Presentation on theme: "Goal five By: Cody Godwin. Debate Argument used to express a persons ideas on a certain subject or political issue."— Presentation transcript:

1 Goal five By: Cody Godwin

2 Debate Argument used to express a persons ideas on a certain subject or political issue

3 Negotiation Talking to find a peaceful solution to a dispute

4 Compromise Both sides agree to changes that are mutually beneficial

5 Perjury the telling of a lie after having taken an oath to tell the truth, usually in a court of law

6 Verdict The decision of a jury on the fate of a defendant in a trial

7 Torts In civil law, a wrongful act for which damages can be sought by the injured party

8 Plaintiff Somebody who begins a lawsuit against somebody else

9 Summons A written order to somebody to appear in court to answer a complaint

10 Appeal Where someone tries to get a higher court to change the decision of a lower court

11 Settlements an agreement reached without completing legal proceedings

12 Mistrial a trial that is invalid because a mistake such as an error in procedure

13 Hung Jury A jury that cannot make a decision on a case

14 Goal Six By: Cody Godwin

15 Jurisprudence the philosophy or science of law

16 F.B.I. The Federal Bureau of investigation

17 Rehabilitation to help somebody to return to good health or a normal life by providing training or therapy

18 Incarceration Time served in prison

19 Deterrence Attempting to prevent someone from committing a crime

20 Retribution Punishment for a crime

21 Probation the supervision of the behavior of a young or first-time criminal by a probation officer.

22 Media the various means of mass communication considered as a whole, including television, radio, magazines, and newspapers

23 Detention the act of keeping somebody in custody

24 Recidivism the tendency to relapse into a previous undesirable type of behavior

25 Compensation Being paid for damages done to person or property

26 C.I.A. The Central Intelligence Agency. Designed to gather foreign intelligence

27 Goal Seven By: Cody Godwin

28 Needs Something a person needs to survive

29 Wants Something that a person does not need to survive

30 Economics The study of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services

31 Scarcity When supply falls below demand

32 Capital material wealth in the form of money or property

33 Labor Work put into getting a certain outcome

34 Land Land and natural resources used to make a good

35 Pricing the amount, usually of money, that is offered or asked for when something is bought or sold

36 Technology the study, development, and application of machine for the manufacturing and productive processes

37 Consumer Someone who purchases a good or service

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