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…and a little quick history…

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1 …and a little quick history…
DNA …and a little quick history…

2 1866 Gregor Mendel published the results of his investigations of the inheritance of "factors" in pea plants.

3 1950's Maurice Wilkins (1916- ), Rosalind Franklin ( ), Francis H. C. Crick (1916- ) of Britain and James D. Watson (1928- ) of the U.S. discover chemical structure of DNA, starting a new branch of science--molecular biology.

4 1953 Watson and Crick made a model of the DNA molecule and proved that genes determine heredity.

5 Arthur Kornberg (1918- ) of the U.S. produced DNA in a test tube.

6 1983 Barbara McClintock ( ) of the U.S. was awarded the Nobel Prize for her discovery that genes are able to change position on chromosomes.

7 The Late 1980's An international team of scientists began the project to map the human genome. The first crime conviction based on DNA fingerprinting, in Portland Oregon.

8 1994 The FDA approved the first genetically engineered food -- FlavrSavr tomatoes engineered for better flavor and shelf life.

9 DNA testing in forensics cases gains fame in the O.J. Simpson trial.
1995 DNA testing in forensics cases gains fame in the O.J. Simpson trial.

10 Dolly the Sheep - the first adult animal clone.
1997 Dolly the Sheep - the first adult animal clone.

11 2000 J. Craig Ventor, along with Francis Collins, jointly announce the sequencing of the entire human genome.

12 DNA DNA DNA DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. DNA DNA DNA DNA

13 Where is DNA found? DNA DNA DNA DNA DNA
James Watson and Francis Crick discovered that chromosomes are made up of DNA and called it a double helix. These chromosomes are located in the nucleus!! DNA DNA DNA

14 …was determined to be a twisted ladder of nucleotide bases.
The Double Helix… …was determined to be a twisted ladder of nucleotide bases.

15 Nucleotide

16 Phosphate Sugar Base Nucleotide

17 DNA nucleotides are made up of…
Sugar Phosphate Base Adenine Guanine Cytosine Thymine Deoxyribose sugar

18 When the nucleotides are assembled, adenine pairs with thymine
When the nucleotides are assembled, adenine pairs with thymine. Cytosine pairs with guanine.

19 Quick Quiz Who discovered the arrangement of the DNA molecule?
Watson and Crick DNA is considered a ____ helix. double DNA is made up of what subunits? nucleotides What are the 3 components of a nucleotide? sugar, phosphate, base In DNA, adenine pairs with____? thymine

20 DNA replication In order for cells to replicate during mitosis, the DNA must make a copy of itself. Why? Which phase of the cell cycle does the replication of DNA take place? G1 - Interphase S - Interphase G2 – Interphase Prophase

21 Replication Sequence 1. Enzymes unwind the helix
2. Enzymes pull apart the DNA molecule 3. Exposed bases attract their complementary bases 4. Polymerase joins all the nucleotides together on each new strand 5. Mitosis begins in the cell



24 DNA Replication animations
Short version: Long version: preAP:

25 DNA Fingerprint With technology today, scientists use DNA for many reasons: convict criminals, release criminals, and even determine paternity. A DNA fingerprint is created in these cases. DNA fingerprinting is a technique used to distinguish between individuals of the same species using only samples of their DNA.

26 DNA Fingerprint In order to create a DNA fingerprint, scientists have to cut the DNA with an enzyme specifically known as a restrictive enzyme. Once it is cut, the DNA is then placed into an electrophoresis chamber.

27 DNA Fingerprint Electricity is added to the chamber, and the DNA segments will move. Since DNA is negatively charged, it will run away from the negative electrode.

28 Which of the following do YOU think is a DNA fingerprint?

29 A blood stain was found in Mrs. Lowery’s classroom
A blood stain was found in Mrs. Lowery’s classroom. Which student was the blood stain most likely from? John

30 DNA samples were taken from a crime scene, the female victim and two suspects in a sexual assault case. The victim’s boyfriend was also tested. The DNA ladders are used to judge the sizes of the DNA fragments. Control samples are also run, to ensure that the experiment is done correctly. Can you determine which suspect is likely the criminal? Suspect 1

31 Do the children inherit ALL of the traits from ONLY 1 parent?

32 Is the D2 daughter actually the Dad’s child?

33 What is the deal with the S2 son?

34 Results from a single DNA fingerprint analysis for a man and his four different children are shown in the figure. Which lane contains the DNA of the father? 3

35 The key portion of the autoradiograph from a single locus probe analysis of various DNA samples in a rape investigation is shown in this figure. Samples of DNA were loaded into the following lanes: known blood sample of victim known blood sample from defendant DNA size markers female fraction from vaginal swab of victim male fraction from vaginal swab of victim. If you are the DNA analyst, you should conclude that: A. The suspect is guilty. B. The suspect might be guilty, but more probes should be used. C. The vaginal swab is from the wrong victim. D. The suspect is excluded as a source of DNA in the evidence. E. NONE of these.

36 DNA Fingerprinting Activity

37 DNA Fingerprinting Activity
It was early Thursday morning when the police were called out to investigate a crime scene. Apparently, someone had broken into a jewelry store and stolen a case of Crown Jewels. Unfortunately, some blood was left behind on the window sill. The suspect list has been narrowed to 4 people: Suspect 1: Scandalous Stueart A widely known as a successful crime chief. Stueart has been known to brag that he could get by any security system. He said that he would prove it by someday taking the crown jewels. No stone has been known to have higher security. Suspect 2: Mischievous McCurley She would kill to own the largest and most precious stone in the world. She has been known to run with the worst jewelry thieves in the US. She wants a diamond ring on her left hand so bad that she once threatened to cut the ring finger off of her own partner in crime. Suspect 3: Maniac Melton Owns the largest private collection of precious stones in the world. He has offered millions of dollars for the Crown Jewels. Having been a member of the prestigious Ninja S.W.A.T. team, he has the talent and guts to pull of such a crime. Suspect 4: Sir Shabay He is known for his vast collection of “bling bling”. He is one of Hollywood’s most famous jewelry dealers. Although he has never been caught in the act, it has long been suspected that he is, in some way, responsible for many large jewelry thefts in the area.

Find the pattern below in your DNA sample. Use a pipe cleaner and lay it down on all of the “cut sites”. CCGG GGCC For example: TACCGGAATTCCGGTAAA ATGGCCTTAAGGCCATTT

Count the number of BASE PAIRS between each “cut site” Draw a line on your chart to represent the fragments. TACCGGAATTCCGGTAAA ATGGCCTTAAGGCCATTT 4 8 6

40 DNA Fingerprinting Activity
8 6 4

41 DNA Fingerprinting Activity

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