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The perception and the discriminatory behavior against the elderly: age- group difference Chung, Soondool, Park, HyunJu, Sung Min-Hyeon, Kim Yesol (Ewha.

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Presentation on theme: "The perception and the discriminatory behavior against the elderly: age- group difference Chung, Soondool, Park, HyunJu, Sung Min-Hyeon, Kim Yesol (Ewha."— Presentation transcript:

1 The perception and the discriminatory behavior against the elderly: age- group difference Chung, Soondool, Park, HyunJu, Sung Min-Hyeon, Kim Yesol (Ewha Womans University) Presenter: Jessica

2 Contents 1 1 Introduction 2 2 Research Findings 3 3 4 4 Conclusion Research Method

3 Introduction: introduce an ageism to notice Background -Rapidly increasing population of older people in Korea. -Widespread discrimination toward older people and unawareness -Relatively recent attention to ageism What is ageism? -Ageism is discrimination against older people based on the age -Be linked to social justice, human right and structural discrimination of society -Has effects on the individual life of older people -Be connected with social isolation, loneliness, suicide, depression and loss of role identity of the elderly -Makes the elderly neglected, exploited and abused.

4 Introduction cont. Discriminatory behavior vs. Perception -Need to distinguish ‘the actual behavior’ from the attitude toward the elderly. (behavior ≠ perception) -Attitude toward the elderly = Discriminatory behavior ( the external expression of ageism) + Perception (Cognitive aspects) -Less attention to behavior than perception toward the elderly -Relationship between perception and ageist behavior has not been investigated. Age difference -Many previous studies used the samples of younger and non-elderly generation -Previous researches which focused on older generation examined self-reported discrimination ‘experience’ of themselves, not a ageist behavior of themselves

5 Introduction cont. Purposes of this study 1)To examine what Korean adults actually have ageism represented by the perception toward the elderly and the discriminatory behavior against the elderly 2)To explore the association between the perception and discriminatory behavior 3)To observe age-group difference of the influence of the perception on the discriminatory behavior 4)To suggest the effective strategies for reducing discriminatory behavior

6 Research questions To what extents is the ageism, represented by the perception and discrimination behavior prevalent in the Korean society? Is there age-group difference on the results? What is the relationship between the perception toward the elderly and discriminatory behavior?

7 Research Method: participants and procedure Total Participant 1,500 ∙ Elderly 60 and over 295 people ∙Non-elderly Over 20 and under 60 1205 people 29 Quota Sampling quota has been done by proportion of the population moderate representation to the population stratified by region, sex, and age ParticipantsProcedure Sampling ∙ Participants had been gathered from 16 administrative districts in South Korea ∙ Survey took for a month from 21 st of Jan to 28 th of Feb in 2011 ∙ Face to face interview

8 The knowledge Research Method: Measurement FAQ1 (Facts on Aging Quiz part 1) A) It measures the knowledge about ageing and the elderly B) Yim, Kim &Kim(2002) C) It includes 25 items on aging D) Four dimensions E) Scale 1= true, 0=false / don’t know F) Higher score = more knowledge The image SDS (Semantic Differential Scale) A) It rates the image of the elderly B) Sanders, Montgomary, Pittman & Balkwell(1984) C) Bipolar adjectives D) 7-point scale E) Two dimensions F) The Cronbach’s alpha = 0.929 Perception The prejudice Physicalpsycholo gical Familial Aspect Social aspects Ability personality The scale of prejudice A) It measures the prejudice of four dimensions which mentioned below B) Won (2003) C) 19 items with four dimensions D) 4 point Likert scale E) Cronbach’s alpha = 0.811 Personal relation Cultural activity Gender and marriage Ability

9 The discriminatory behavior Research Method: measurement ∙ Won, Kim, Choi and Han (2006) ∙ it measures discriminatory behavior against the elderly ∙ 4-point Likert scale ∙ 13 items ∙ Two dimensions ∙ Cronbach’s alpha = 0.935 Exclusion and mistrust disrespect

10 Data Analysis The descriptive analysis T-test Multiple group analysis ∙ Mean and standardized Deviation ∙ Frequency and percentages ∙ observation the level of the perception and ageist behavior ∙ Difference between elderly and non-elderly group ∙ There were statistically significant dissimilarity in personal relations, gender and marriage, and exclusion and mistrust ∙Structural equaltion modeling ∙ relationship between perception and discriminative bahavior ∙ Difference between non-elderly and elderly group PASW 18.0 (SPSS 18.0 + AMOS 18.0)

11 Descriptive analysis – Knowledge Results

12 Descriptive analysis - Image Score

13 Results Descriptive analysis - Prejudice

14 Results Descriptive analysis - Discriminatory behavior

15 Result Image knowledge Discriminatory Behavior Prejudice Elderly Non- Elderly -.135** -.127* -.083 -.056.014 -.097**.046.012.084*.220***.529***.161***

16 Conclusion Improve knowledge Improve knowledge can be potential way to reducing negative attitude and ageist behavior for both groups Internal change of attitudes Older people behave as more ageist against older people, therefore they need to improve awareness to ageism and internal change of attitude Importance of education Knowledge has a direct effect on the actual discriminatory behavior, it is emphasized on the importance of education for younger generation Age-group difference Age- group difference suggested the different approach toward non- elderly and elderly to reduce ageism in the society. Reduce ageism


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