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METRIC PREFIXES M p µ G. p pico d deci G giga m milli.

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Presentation on theme: "METRIC PREFIXES M p µ G. p pico d deci G giga m milli."— Presentation transcript:


2 p pico

3 d deci

4 G giga

5 m milli

6 h hecto

7 µ micro

8 M mega

9 c centi

10 da deka

11 n nano

12 k kilo

13 G giga

14 m milli

15 h hecto

16 p pico

17 d deci

18 µ micro

19 M mega

20 c centi

21 da deka

22 n nano

23 k kilo

24 10 -12 pico

25 10 2 hecto

26 10 -2 centi

27 10 3 kilo

28 10 9 giga

29 10 -9 nano

30 10 -1 deci

31 10 -1 deci

32 10 -6 micro

33 10 1 deka

34 10 6 mega

35 10 -6 micro

36 10 -3 milli

37 Complete the following conversion factors: 1 ng g 10 -9

38 Complete the following conversion factors: 1 Mb b 10 6

39 Complete the following conversion factors: 1 mg g 10 -3

40 Complete the following conversion factors: 1 g ___ mg1000

41 Complete the following conversion factors: 1 dam m 10 1

42 Complete the following conversion factors: 1 dam m 10

43 Complete the following conversion factors: 1 pm m 10 -12

44 Complete the following conversion factors: 1 cm m 10 -2

45 Complete the following conversion factors: 1 m_ cm 100

46 Complete the following conversion factors: 1 hm m 10 2

47 Complete the following conversion factors: 1 hm m100

48 Complete the following conversion factors: 1 dm m 10 -1

49 Complete the following conversion factors: 1 m_ dm 10

50 Complete the following conversion factors: 1 kg g 10 3

51 Complete the following conversion factors: 1 Gm m 10 9

52 Complete the following conversion factors: 1 µL L10 -6

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