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Quick Write Think about the last movie you rented, saw at the movie theater, or watched online. – Who do you think the intended audience was? – Why do.

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Presentation on theme: "Quick Write Think about the last movie you rented, saw at the movie theater, or watched online. – Who do you think the intended audience was? – Why do."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quick Write Think about the last movie you rented, saw at the movie theater, or watched online. – Who do you think the intended audience was? – Why do you think that? – What do you think the purpose or point of the movie was? – How do you know?

2 Purpose and Audience Created by the Bryan Station High School English Department Adapted by Denise Gill, South Pasadena High School

3 As a reader and as a writer, the first time you approach a text it is important to think about purpose and audience. Purpose : An author’s purpose is his or her main reason for writing. Think: What is this for? Audience : An author’s audience is the particular group of readers or viewers that the writer is addressing. Think : Who is this for?

4 Identifying Purpose There are three broad purposes for writing: 1.To inform. Example: John Steinbeck wrote the novella Of Mice and Men in 1937 and the Pulitzer Prize winning novel The Grapes of Wrath in 1939. 2.To persuade. Example: Creative Media’s brand new Futuro mp3 player is far superior to any mp3 player on the market, including the iPod. We promise that you will be more than satisfied with its appearance, functionality, and performance. 3.To entertain. Example: Marcus was beyond upset. His sister had made the honor roll again and he hadn’t. This meant she would be hanging out with her friends all weekend while he studied. Just thinking about it was enough to make him kick his dresser in anger. ( This is for writing that others will see. Some people write for personal reflection—perhaps in some sort of journal or diary—with no intention of sharing it, so that would not fit into these categories. We are only focused on writing that will be seen by others.)

5 me & my mom r going 2 the store 2 night so i cant come ovr. i am gonna get those new nikes tho! To inform

6 are u watching amer idol? there is this dude on there and he is crazy! lol! To entertain

7 u have to go 2 homecoming or u will be sad when everyone is talking bout it the next day. dont b silly. To persuade

8 me & raymond are drivin down brdway and just saw this man get pulled over. he looked like he was yellin at the police officer. ray wuz looking so hard he almost hit the car in front of us! To entertain

9 did u hear michelle and david broke up? idk y but she is so mad. To inform

10 i promise i didnt tell ne1 wat u told me. y wood i do that? besides i didnt c jenny last wk an she is da 1 tellin evry1. To persuade

11 Identifying Audience The audience an author is addressing should be reflected in almost every aspect of a text’s appearance and language. Examples: Layout Formality Diction or Word Choice Content or Subject Matter Length

12 Considering Audience: Emailing a Teacher What is the hmwk due tmrw? kthnx Dear Ms Gill, This is Perceval from period 1. I was sick and absent from class yesterday. I looked at the homework on the website, but I’m not sure which terms I am supposed to define. Please let me know if you have a chance. Thanks, Perceval

13 Identifying Purpose & Audience R Word Talent 1.What is the intended purpose of each these videos? 2.How do you know? 3.Who is the intended audience of each of these videos? 4.How do you know?

14 Quickwrite #2 Think of the most fun you’ve ever had with one of your friends. First, write about a time when you have had the most fun you’ve ever had with one of your friends. Write as if you were describing this to another peer. Be sure to think about your purpose, and your audience, and how you’ll reflect that in your writing. Then write about that same experience, but this time write as if you were describing this to your parent, guardian, or another adult. Be sure to think about the different ways that you can change what you’ve already written to reflect a different purpose and audience.

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