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Pete Van Mullem, Ph.D. - St. Cloud State University Sharon Stoll, Ph.D. - University of Idaho Sport Leadership: Developing a Successful Philosophy.

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Presentation on theme: "Pete Van Mullem, Ph.D. - St. Cloud State University Sharon Stoll, Ph.D. - University of Idaho Sport Leadership: Developing a Successful Philosophy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pete Van Mullem, Ph.D. - St. Cloud State University Sharon Stoll, Ph.D. - University of Idaho Sport Leadership: Developing a Successful Philosophy

2 2011 AAHPERD Conference - San Diego, CA





7 Who is a Sport Leader? Athletic Director Coach Director of Marketing and Promotions Facility Manager Director of Parks and Recreation Assistant Athletic Director Assistant Facility Manager 2011 AAHPERD Conference - San Diego, CA

8 The Influence of a sport leader… - Leadership begins with you - 2011 AAHPERD Conference - San Diego, CA

9 What is a value? A value is a enduring belief….they are pervasive standards that influence every aspect of our lives…they set the standard for hundreds of decisions we make everyday (Kouzes and Posner, 1995). The influence of your daily choices, where you spend time, energy, and $. Examples may include; family, health, relationships, activities, free time, etc…. 2011 AAHPERD Conference - San Diego, CA

10 What do you value? List (3) of your values Provide an action statement that describes each of your (3) values – Example- Value: Responsibility Action Statement: Being accountable for my actions and holding others to those same standards 2011 AAHPERD Conference - San Diego, CA

11 Non-Moral Values  Extrinsic object  Means to good life  Drive moral decisions  Money  Car Moral Values  Intrinsic behavior directed towards other humans  Motive, intention, and actions impinged on others Lumpkin, Stoll, & Beller (2003) 2011 AAHPERD Conference - San Diego, CA

12 Social Values - values placed on specific personality and work ethic traits that society views as important for success. - Hard work – Toughness - Teamwork -Intensity - Successful - Commitment- Moral Values - values placed on individual motive, intention, and action as directed toward other human beings. - Honesty – Responsibility – Beneficence – Integrity - Rudd, A. & Mondello, M. (2006) 2011 AAHPERD Conference - San Diego, CA

13 What is the Purpose of Sport? After our brief discussion on values, take one minute to add any additional values to your list. Don’t forget an action statement. Using your value list with action statements to assist you, write down what you believe is the purpose of sport? 2011 AAHPERD Conference - San Diego, CA

14 It Depends… In groups of (2), complete the following: What do you believe is the purpose of sport in… – Junior High? – High School? – Small College Athletics? – NCAA Division I Athletics? – Professional Sport? 2011 AAHPERD Conference - San Diego, CA

15 How would you respond? During a volleyball game, Anne hits the ball over the net. The ball barely grazes off your fingers and lands out of bounds. The referee does not see you touch the ball. What should YOU do? 2011 AAHPERD Conference - San Diego, CA

16 Did your response match the values you listed and/or what you believe is the purpose of sport? 2011 AAHPERD Conference - San Diego, CA

17 How would you respond to the scenario if you were participating in… In groups of (2), complete the following: – Junior High? – High School? – Small College Athletics? – NCAA Division I Athletics? – Professional Sport? 2011 AAHPERD Conference - San Diego, CA

18 What is the purpose of the contest? – Should it matter what the level of play is? – Is it okay to try and gain an advantage, by outwitting the referee? – If the referee asked, would you say yes to touching the ball? 2011 AAHPERD Conference - San Diego, CA

19 Decision-Making Ethical dilemmas involve making choices between competing values (Lumpkin, Stoll, and Beller, 2003). What are the competing values in our scenario? 2011 AAHPERD Conference - San Diego, CA

20 The Challenge for Sport Leaders… …the scoreboard… or…personal growth? 2011 AAHPERD Conference - San Diego, CA

21 The Impact of a Sport Leader… We grow, mature, and develop or do not develop morally through our education and environment and we are highly affected by moral role models (Lickona, 1991). 2011 AAHPERD Conference - San Diego, CA

22 Revisit the scenario… Now in your role as a coach, what do you teach your players to do if the ball touches their hand before it goes out of bounds, outside of the referee’s view? If the referee asks them if they touched the ball, what would you tell them to say? How does your decision impact their values? 2011 AAHPERD Conference - San Diego, CA

23 Meeting the Challenge Reversibility – Put yourself in their shoes…. Universal – Do we want all players…….. Lickona, 1994 2011 AAHPERD Conference - San Diego, CA

24 Moral Knowing – Knowing the “good” – Habits of the mind Moral Feeling – Desiring the “good” – Habits of the heart Moral Action – Doing the “good” – Habits of action Lickona, 1991 What are your habits? 2011 AAHPERD Conference - San Diego, CA

25 John Wooden “A good leader creates belief—in the leader’s philosophy, in the organization, in the mission. Creating belief is difficult where a vacuum of values exist where the only thing that matters is the end result” (John Wooden) 2011 AAHPERD Conference - San Diego, CA

26 Final Wrap-up Why is it important to reflect on your values as a leader? Why is it important to know your purpose as a sport leader? 2011 AAHPERD Conference - San Diego, CA

27 What is your philosophy? “Make a commitment to treating people with dignity and respect and have a sincere interest in helping young people.” Bob Frederick, Ph.D. (1940-2009) University of Kansas Athletic Director (1987-2001) 2011 AAHPERD Conference - San Diego, CA

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