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09/16/2015 What you need for class:  Two pieces of notebook paper  Composition book Key Content: Writing Process Learning Target: Choosing a topic to.

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Presentation on theme: "09/16/2015 What you need for class:  Two pieces of notebook paper  Composition book Key Content: Writing Process Learning Target: Choosing a topic to."— Presentation transcript:

1 09/16/2015 What you need for class:  Two pieces of notebook paper  Composition book Key Content: Writing Process Learning Target: Choosing a topic to write about and decide the audience, purpose, and genre. Success Criteria: Students can select a strong writing topic and use the writing process to create an effective text. Agenda Stage 2: Prewriting 1. Using your selected topic and the mode of writing you selected brainstorm everything you currently know and what you need to know. Your list must have at least 20 what you know and what you need to know. 2.Using the graphic organizer start organizing your ideas. The Guest Teacher will collect your work at the end of the period.

2 Stage 2: prewriting “I suppose some writers begin with a phrase, an idea, or a concept. I always begin with an image.” Gabriel Garcia Marquez 1.Reflect on the meaning of the quote by Marquez. 2.How do you begin to explore a subject before writing? Consider what you currently know and need to know in order to guide the exploration of your selected topic.

3 3. Review the purpose of the prewriting strategies. Brainstorm at least 20 things you know about your topic and what you need to know. Using the graphic organizer organize the information from your brainstorming list. 4. Review your prewriting, and consider how the ideas generated fit your goals and purpose for writing. This might be an appropriate time to settle upon a preliminary position or controlling idea to shape your point of view or your underlying message. NARRATIVE, EXPOSITORY, PERSUASIVE, DESCRIPTIVE 5. Think about the mode of writing you selected (NARRATIVE, EXPOSITORY, PERSUASIVE, DESCRIPTIVE) while completing the RAFT, and consider the characteristics of the mode in preparation for a first draft. WRITE THIS IN YOUR NOTES IN YOUR COMPOSITION BOOK R.A.F.T. R: Role of the speaker A: Audience F: Format of the text T: Topic of the text Expository – Writing in which author’s purpose is to inform or explain the subject to the reader. Persuasive – Writing that states the opinion of the writer and attempts to influence the reader. Narrative – Writing in which the author tells a story. The story could be fact or fiction. Descriptive – A type of expository writing that uses the five senses to paint a picture for the reader. This writing incorporates imagery and specific details.

4 Completing Your Graphic Organizer Write your topic, mode of writing, and your audience in the top square Using complete sentence write the main idea in each of the paragraph squares I., II., and III. These will become your three main body paragraphs. Under each of these main idea boxes are three more boxes where you will write your concrete details from your brainstorming.

5 Graphic Organizer turned in to the guest teacher at the end of the period. Please make sure you have your class number, first and last name, period, and date on your paper.

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