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INTRODUCTION CO-OPERATION. In this topic we will be looking at and discussing the importance of co-operation between different agencies and educational.

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2 In this topic we will be looking at and discussing the importance of co-operation between different agencies and educational bodies in order share our information and knowledge. This in turn can help prevent social exclusion of young people in society. INTRODUCTION CO-OPERATION

3 In this topic we will be looking at and discussing the importance of co-operation between different agencies and educational bodies in order share our information and knowledge. This in turn can help prevent social exclusion of young people in society. Co-operation

4 WHY IS CO-OPERATION SO IMPORTANT? Co-operation is important in helping to reduce the number of services working with families and so reduce the duplication, cost and long term dependence on services. The focus is on services working smarter together alongside families - doing with and not to or for families - to increase resilience. Co-operation

5 Which agencies link together in different European countries? Is there a structured framework where different agencies work together or is it down to individuals referring young people and their families to the appropriate agency? Does the system work? What could be done to improve the system in different countries? Co-operation

6 Do you know who to contact if you see or hear of any young person having difficulties? What type of difficulties could a young person be having that requires more specialist intervention ? Co-operation


8 UK There were 1.04 million young people (aged from 16 to 24) in the UK who were Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET), a decrease of 38,000 from July to September 2013 and down 37,000 from a year earlier. The 2001 census identified 175,000 young carers in the UK, with 13,000 caring for more than 50 hours per week. The 2011 census identified 178,000 young carers in England and Wales alone; an 83% increase in the number of young carers aged 5 to 7 years and a 55% increase in the number of children caring who are aged 8 to 9 years. ( Statistics

9 Germany: There are about 600 youth welfare offices all over the country. Every district administration and every urban municipality is responsible for operating a service that children and young people from families living in difficult situations can turn to. The service is available on both local and regional levels. Places to go for advice and guidance Europe

10 Sweden: There is a mandate from the National Board of Health and Welfare to all municipalities to have a collaborative organization for children and young people in distress. This organization is available on both local and regional level. Places to go for advice and guidance Europe

11 UK: Local authority social services support families and safeguard children who may be at risk of harm, whether from family members or others. Levels of support can vary within each local authority but they provide support to families who are in need of additional help and support which is unavailable from schools, GPs, other health services, or community-based services. Places to go for advice and guidance Europe

12 This training program can be used by everyone who in their work come in contact with young people, and above all to personnel groups, often multidisciplinary, who will be able to, based on the same values and knowledge, cooperate in their work with young people at risk of social exclusion.

13 This project was developed by: Thank you for your attention! This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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